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Showing posts from October, 2010

Family Photo

This past weekend my darling sister Rachel  did some family photos for us while she was home for Thanksgiving. It was a total blast!  Here is one of the 'blooper' photos she posted earlier on facebook.  (Yes Rachel, I snagged it!) I totally love this photo, it shows exactly what are dogs are truly like! Myla (on the far right) hiding.  Closing her eyes and pretending it's not happening.  She's a bit of a scardy cat! Chance (in the middle) trying to be right up front, and centre of attention! Buddy (on the left) calmly ignoring the antics of the other two. She's did a great job :) I can't wait to see how the rest of them turned out!  I'll post some more when she sends them :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my Canadian friends and family! image via

Cable Love

I knitted this fabulous cowl by French Press Knits  over the weekend called the Breckenridge Cowl It was awesome, such a great knit.  I'm going make up 5 more LOL! Here is a progress photo, it's not the greatest.  I took it with my cell phone.  My sister Rachel  had to help me with the photo.  Blogger wouldn't upload it for some reason.  So she fixed for me. I'll take some nicer photos later and post them.

Fall Love

I love rubber boots.. they are so much fun! With all this rain we've been having, I have been looking at all the neat boots they have out right now.. image from Get Outside Fall makes me think of lovely knitted warm cardigans and sweaters.. Like these  and this  ohhh and this I love the fall!

Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Chrystal @ Snowdrop Dreams of Books  for the lovely award!! So, here's the drill for all award winners: a) Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. b) Share 7 things about yourself. c) Pass the award along to 10 bloggers who you have discovered and who you think are fantastic. d) Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award Things about me: 1.  I love to read 2.  I'm a house designer, I work for a family owned lumber company.  It's a pretty cool job, stressful but I love it! 3.  I have a fabulous other half, Mike.  4.  We have 3 dogs: Buddy, Myla and Chance 5.  I clean when I'm upset.  Yes I know it's strange. 6.  I am obsessed with making the bed.  It has to be made, with no wrinkles before I can go to bed. 7.  All my books & movies are in alphabetical order. 10 Blogs I love: 1.  French Press Knits 2.  One Pearl Button 3.  Spilly...