Title: Secrets of the Henna Girl Author: Sufiya Ahmed Genre: YA Pages: 270 Published: March 2012 Publisher: Penguin Source: via Publisher Where to buy: Amazon Synopsis: Life as Zeba knows it could be over for good... Zeba Khan is like any other sixteen-year-old girl: enjoying herself, waiting for exam results... and dreaming of the day she'll meet her one true love. Except her parents have other plans. In Pakistan for the summer, Zeba's world is shattered. Her future is threatened by an unthinkable - and forced - duty to protect her father's honour. Zeba has finished school for the year and is eagerly awaiting the results for her exams and is looking forward to school the following year. The annual trip home to Pakistan to visit her parents relatives isn’t something she’s been looking forward to, she’d rather spend the summer with her best friend. Arriving in Pakistan, Zeba’s life is drastically changed. She fi...