So I've decided I'm going to start working on Christmas gifts for 2010 in January. I've got quite a few left to finish up before the deadline next week. Here are two of the projects I've been working on:
1. Basketweave scarf for my SIL Christine
1. Basketweave scarf for my SIL Christine
I've got this one about 3/4's of the way done. Just need to park myself in my 'knitting' chair (as Mike has nicknamed it) and work on it for a few solid hours and get the thing done!
2. Ms. Poppins purse for my sister Jen
Really all I have left to do on this is put it together. I have to sew the inside and stitch the side together and put the handle on.
I've also got a multi strand blanket I'm working on, a couple of other scarves, some hats to finish up, one more to start, and a blanket to quilt. Thank goodness I have tomorrow off, sunday and next week I'm on holidays!
Wish me luck!
Ooooo, that scarf is gorgeous! I love basketweave but I haven't tried it yet.
ReplyDeleteThanks Alli :) It's a lot of fun to make. I've got a blanket I'm doing as well for a friend who is due in April.