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Showing posts from July, 2010

ABC's of Me

I saw this great post over at Dropped Stitches  and thought it was such a great idea! So I thought I'd fill one out about myself! Enjoy :) A is for Age: 29, turning 30 in the spring. B is for Book: Currently I'm reading Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind, book 2 in the Sword of Truth series. C is for Career: I am a residential house designer. D is for Dad's name: Lloyd E is for Essential items to bring to a party: A great bottle of wine or a yummy dessert! F is for Favorite song or music: Right now I'm big into Country, playing in my car is Glorianna G is for Goof off thing to do: Play fight with the dogs, and Mike. H is for Hometown: Parry Sound, Ontario I is for Instrument you play: I attempted the flute and trumpet, but I wasn't very good LOL. J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Strawberry K is for Kids: None yet, but if dogs count we have Buddy and Myla. L is for Living arrangement: I share a cute little apartment with my lovely ot...

Hair Cut!

So I decided to get my hair cut!  What do you think??

Creative Inspiration

Tomorrow I am going to sew.  Yup, it's been a while since I've pulled out my sewing machine.  But I think it's time.  I found this AWESOME pattern -->  Sewing Pattern - Tunic Top  and picked up some great fabric!  Which I will post some pictures of tomorrow once it's washed and pressed.  One is a lovely cream eyelet, with a scalloped bottom.  The other is a dark gray blue colour.  I've also got a very lovely pale creamy grayish pink drappy fabric that I found in my fabric stash that might make a nice one as well.  I figure if I'm going to cut one pattern out I might as well cut out 3 of them! I saw this great top very similar to the pattern at a boutique style store in our town, I totally fell in love it, but not the price tag!   The top cost as much as the pattern, fabric and all the supplies to make 3 tops! What do you do to get those creative juices going?  What inspires you? Me it's the fact that I can see...

Knitting in the Sunshine!

Yesterday was just wonderful!  We have a lovely shady tree in our backyard, which will now be my favorite knitting spot!! We set ourselves up outside yesterday to enjoy the nice weather.  The guys had the table with the umbrella, they played board games (Risk etc) and enjoyed a cold beverage.  I curled up in my favorite chair with my trusty folding table and footstool and knitted and read a few books.  It was fabulous! I can't wait until my day off on Thursday :) Hopefully it doesn't rain!

Too Hot!

I can't believe how hot it has been the last few days!! Thank goodness we have A/C at work and at home.  I attempted to knit last night, even with the A/C on it was still 26C in the apartment (it was 35C outside).  It was much too hot to knit.. Definately won't be cooking in the house again tonight.  BBQ-ing it again! :) I'm thinking it might be a good night to go for a swim!

Bad Blogger!

Yes I've been a very very bad blogger!! It's been almost 2 months since I've done an update! Not much knitting has happened in the last little while, it's just been too crazy! I'm almost done the sweater I was working on, it needs a bit more on the body and the sleeves.  I've been thinking I might do some cute cap sleeves on it, so it can be worn more often. I've got 3/4 of one sock done.. I promise I'll start updating more! The weather here has been off and on, we've had superduper hot weather the last day or so, up into the 30's (C)  today they are calling for 33C but will feel like 40C!  I'm glad my office is air conditioned! Off to get ready for work! I think I might make myself a smoothy.. My Mom gave us a funky new kitchen gadget yesterday, a Magic Bullet! With all sorts of neat attachements - glasses with handles, chopper, strainer, lids etc.  Does anyone else have one? Any favorite kitchen gadgets?