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ABC's of Me

I saw this great post over at Dropped Stitches and thought it was such a great idea! So I thought I'd fill one out about myself!

Enjoy :)

A is for Age: 29, turning 30 in the spring.

B is for Book: Currently I'm reading Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind, book 2 in the Sword of Truth series.

C is for Career: I am a residential house designer.

D is for Dad's name: Lloyd

E is for Essential items to bring to a party: A great bottle of wine or a yummy dessert!
F is for Favorite song or music: Right now I'm big into Country, playing in my car is Glorianna

G is for Goof off thing to do: Play fight with the dogs, and Mike.
H is for Hometown: Parry Sound, Ontario

I is for Instrument you play: I attempted the flute and trumpet, but I wasn't very good LOL.

J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Strawberry

K is for Kids: None yet, but if dogs count we have Buddy and Myla.

L is for Living arrangement: I share a cute little apartment with my lovely other half Mike.

M is for Mom's name: Ingrid

N is for Name of best friend: Chrystal and Joy

O is for Overnight Stay in a Hospital: Hmm, when I was about 8.
P is for Phobias: Spiders

Q is for Quote you like: “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.” - Winnie the Pooh

R is for Relationship that lasted longest: Mike :) 2 and a half years and still going strong!

S is for Siblings: 2 sisters, Jen & Rachel.  And 1 brother Chris.  I also have a sister in law Christine and brothers in law Ryan and Jeff.

T is for Texas, ever been? No.

U is for Unique trait: I'm obsessed with Genealogy!

V is for vegetable you love: Brussel spouts and asparagus :) And most other veggies lol.

W is for Worst traits: I'm too hard on myself.

X is for X-rays you've had: Teeth and my knee.

Y is for Yummy food you make: Apple butter pork.

Z is for Zodiac sign: Aries


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