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Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop!! Interview & Giveaway with Kieran Kramer!

Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop
April 20th to 25th

& Once Upon a Twilight
There are over 200 blogs participating in this blog hop!

Today I have special guest Kieran Kramer, author of When Harry Met Molly, Dukes to the Left of Me Princes to the Right and Cloudy with a Chance of Marriage!!
About Kieran:
USA Today best-selling romance author and double Rita nominee Kieran Kramer writes lighthearted Regency historical romances for St. Martin's Press. Her newest release, CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MARRIAGE, the third book in her Impossible Bachelors series, hits the shelves April 26th. A former CIA employee, journalist, and English teacher, Kieran's also a game show veteran, karaoke enthusiast, and general adventurer. Find her on Facebook, Twitter, and at


1.  What inspired you to write the "Impossible Bachelors" series?

First, I had the idea for WHEN HARRY MET MOLLY. And then I decided it would be fun to have books for the other bachelors in the first book!!

2.  Of the four in the series, who is your favorite Bachelor?

Hmmm, that's a hard question, but I'd have to say I have a special place in my heart for Harry because he's the first Bachelor. But I like all of them for different reasons! For example, in CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MARRIAGE, I love Stephen because he's a self-made man, a former captain in the Navy. I love how he's been so used to leadership roles, and then he meets Jilly--who isn't intimidated by him in the least!

3.  Your book titles are fun and fresh, how did you come up with them?

My editor and I collaborate. We have the same idea...that we want titles that will make people sit up and notice. And the titles have to reflect the book content and tone, which is light and fun.

4.  Outside of writing, do you have any hobbies or crafts that you enjoy? (ie. knitting, crochet, sewing etc)

I LOVE to read! I count that as my main hobby. But I also enjoy singing with my family (we harmonize well together) and playing the piano, although I'm not that good, LOL!!! Before I began spending so much time writing, I was totally into home decorating on a budget. I reupholstered my couch a couple of times. I painted second-hand furniture and wall murals. I also sewed pillows and curtains. I was no decorating expert, but my house always reflected my personality. I like things cheery and light.

5.  Who is your favorite historical romance author?  Favorite novel?

Wow, those are both trick questions, aren't they? LOL!! I can't choose just one favorite historical romance author, but I will say LaVyrle Spencer is at the top of that list. I read her growing up, along with Victoria Holt. My favorite novel of all time? Hmmm. That's pretty impossible to answer, but A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN and TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD  are vying for first place, along with GONE WITH THE WIND.

6.  Of all the things you've learned through the writing/publishing process, what is the best piece of advice you would give to an aspiring author?

The best piece of advice I can give an aspiring author is actually something I heard from Randy Jackson, the judge on American Idol!!! When I heard him tell the contestants, "Do YOU!" when they perform--that is, be completely yourself--I felt like that was the best advice in the world for any creative persons, including writers. Know who you are--and stick to it! No one else can be you. Your voice is unique to you and is what makes you special...and sellable as a writer.

7.  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I've never been to Paris, so I'd start there. After all, it's supposed to be the most romantic city in the world! But then I'd go to the South Pole because that's a place I doubt I'd ever see! My brother actually went there and said it was very cool. And then I'd go to the Grand Canyon because I haven't seen that, either. I do love to travel and don't get to do enough of it. :>)

8.  Outside of historical romance, would you ever write another genre like fantasy or science fiction?

Oh, definitely. I was a writer first before I specifically became a "Regency historical" writer. I love to write contemporary stuff and see myself getting into that someday. I also love kids and would like to write a book geared toward kids in middle school.

Thank you so much for this opportunity, Aislynn.

I'm thrilled to be here and would love to give one of your readers a SIGNED copy of CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MARRIAGE, as well as a set of my four romance trading cards, one for each book in the Impossible Bachelors series.

All they have to do to be eligible is answer this question:

"What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?" 
I like to ask this question of readers because it takes us to the heart of what our goals and dreams are. 

Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing you again. 

Please post your answer in the comments and make sure to leave us your email address - example:  aislynnt(at)gmail(dot)com

For extra entries (max of 2) Please pick 2 of the following:
- tweet about the giveaway
- follow Kieran on Twitter
- subscribe to Kieran's blog
- "like" Kieran's Facebook page
- blog about the giveaway


Don't forget to stop by and visit the other blogs on the Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop!

Here are the next 5 blogs:

life as a momnwife (US)

The Book Rat (Int)

Sheerys Place (Int)

MyLadyWeb (Int)

Regency Romance World (Int)



  1. Hey, Aislynn,

    I'm so happy to be here today! Thanks for all the support, and I can't wait to give away a couple of books to your readers!


    Kieran :>)

  2. Great question! I would become a Dr. and serve my community.

  3. Thanks Aislynn and Kieran! I have been anxiously waiting for Cloudy with a Chance of Marriage. :)

    If I couldn't fail, I would teach English overseas. It would not only be wonderful to experience a different culture, but help others at the same time.

    romancingrakes AT gmail DOT com

  4. Oh and here's the link to my tweet!/romancingrakes/status/60778172215607296

  5. I already follow Kieran on FB and her blog ! I have been really wanting to read ' Cloudy with a Chance of Marraige'

    I would own a cookie business,and be a writer:)


    Hoppy Easter !

  6. That's a tricky question! :) There are so many things I would do but I think I would go for becoming a politician and really change things for the better! Sounds very illusionary, doesn't it? ;)
    I already follow Kieran on Twitter and her blog.

    claudigc at msn dot com

  7. Whoops email

  8. I'm loving your answers! It's funny--I've thought about being a politician, too, Claudia, AND running a marathon, Patricia! Leanne and Kati, I admire your aspirations to help others. And Kym, I think we can also help others by giving them delicious cookies AND romance novels!!!

    I believe that anything that brings happiness to you or other people is a valuable thing to do/pursue/be/become.


  9. If I couldn't fail, I'd buy a lottery ticket. Because not winning is failing, right? LOL

  10. i think i would do everything possible.

    thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC follower (Katie)


  11. This is a great question, If I knew I couldn't fail I would continued my degree in the music and video business and work in promotions or even produce albums and on the side have the biggest bookstore anyone ever seen :).

    I follow, liked @BookLovershaway , Dawna Newman and subscribed-

    FOllower- BLHmistress


  12. Like her on FB - Heidi Larsen

  13. I would start my own wedding planning business, and run marathons for different causes.

  14. All great ideas, ladies! We need to live as if we couldn't fail!!! And if we DO fail, we jump up, laugh or cry for 24 hours at the most, and then follow our dreams again!

    Sarah, I can tell you would have been an entertaining challenge to your teachers, LOL! (I used to teach high school)

    Kieran xoxo

  15. If I knew I wouldn't fail, I would open my own restaurant. I love cooking.

  16. Wow. If I knew I couldn't fail I would open my own business.

    I liked Kieran's FB page and follow her on twitter

    AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

  17. Wonderful post! If I knew I couldn't fail I would start a place for cats that have no home and need love.
    Sue B

  18. I follow thanks lisapeters at yahoo dot com

  19. Ooh, count me in :) I've heard great things about this author and I'd love to read her book. I already follow her on Twitter and I RT'd your original contest tweet!

    bookoulmates at gmail dot com

  20. Debbie, Megan, Katsrus, Lisa, and Book (heart) Soulmates...thank you so much for stopping by! Your support means the world to me!

    I hope you all have a great Friday.

    XO Kieran P.S. Katsrus, I'm a cat person, too!!

  21. I am a big fan of Keiran! Can't wait for Cloudy. I already follow the blog, twitter, but will retweet the contest.

    If I couldn't fail I would quit my job, write full time, and send my latest novel back out to anyone and everyone. There would be someone to sign me. Plus I would spend as much time with my kids as possible. I don't have enough right now, but if I couldn't fail then my mom skills would be perfect.


    landra.graf7 at gmail dot com

  22. If I could do anything and would not fail I would open my own used book store.

    mia at jacobsracing dot com

  23. If I knew that it would not fail, I would open a bookstore because I love books and would love to be able to be surrounded by them everyday.

    GFC follower: June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

    e-mail subscriber to Keiran's blog
    like Keiran on facebook

  24. The first thing that popped in my head as the answer to your question was write the next best-selling novel.

    hopester777 at gmail dot com

  25. Uh, I would have to say to become a published author and buy a lot of books. Books are the best!
    GFC follower as Louisa, liked Keiran on Facebook as Louisa Paarsmarkt, and subscribed to her blog. My email is

  26. If I couldn't fail, I would do all the good I could for humanity. I would work towards peace worldwide, bring home our brave soldiers and end this money trouble we have in the US. I would fix the Ozone layer and stop the Radiation leak in Japan. I would clean up the toxic waste in this world and also heal anyone in sickness and in need.
    Following Keiran on FB: Aprille Shadowspeak
    Following Kieran on Twitter: LadyVampire2u
    GFC: ladyVampire2u

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  27. If I couldn't fail,I would find a way to help so many people in the US that are in need. I love to crochet for charity because I know there is always someone who needs a blanket or a hat to keep warm. I would love to be able to keep giving and giving and none of it become a financial strain on my own family.

    Following Keiran's blog by email.
    Following Keiran on twitter as countrysunset.

    Thank you for being part of this great giveaway.

    countrysunset40 at aol dot com

  28. If I knew I couldn't fail and was going to be safe, I would travel the world
    msboatgal at

  29. "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?"
    I would devote myself to making the world a better place!!! I would become the best writer in the world and write books on protecting the environment and major issues :)

    Extra entries:
    Following on twitter as SummersKris

  30. Be Superwoman. I could never fail anyone. That would be sooo awesome!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Mary_Reiss @

    Following on Twitter and Facebook.

  31. Looking forward to reading CWACOM!

    Answer: a psychic or Oprah!

    Follow Kieran on twitter and like Kieran on FB!


  32. I would play the lottery
    holly wright
    hollybwright at comcast dot net

  33. If I knew I couldn't fail, I would open a bookstore/cafe/gift shop. I've also seen hotels where each room has a little library of books. Maybe even a Bed & Breakfast with a bookish theme.

    But I'm not sure I'd want to live in a world where I couldn't fail. After all, ideally, we should learn from our mistakes and failures.

    +1 Twitter(@Kulmona)
    +1 Email subscriber to Kieran's blog


  34. If I knew I couldn't fail, I would become an author. It would be nice to share some of these stories in my head.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  35. I subscribed to Kieran's blog by email.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  36. I follow Kiernan on Twitter as pbbearclaw.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  37. I love all you ladies! Everyone has such wonderful hopes and dreams!!! Doesn't it make you feel closer to everyone to know that we're all basically alike? We all have that tender, soft part of us that we keep separate from our daily life...we KNOW we are capable of great things, and when I say GREAT I don't necessarily mean famous things. We're all capable of so, so much, and I notice that everyone here wants to SHARE. Your dreams involve making things better not just for you but for other people. I like that.

    Mona, you bring up such a good point!!! I went WOW when I read what you said about how you really wouldn't want to live in a world where you couldn't fail--that we learn and grow through failure. That's so true.

    Sometimes it's so hard to fail...this is when we need to remember that failing is no big deal--most people in this world who do good things fail all the time, maybe every day. But we don't hear about that much. We hear about the prizes people win, or about their big salaries, or the invention they made. No one dwells upon how much they suffered and failed to get to that place. It's like we're all tiptoeing around failure, as if we should be ashamed when we fail.

    I'M NOT!! I fail all the time. All. The. Time. It's part of life.

    Life is messy and crazy and we trip and fall and get up and run and jump and then fall again. So what? A good sense of humor will get you through. So make sure you laugh a lot! Even if you're by yourself. People would think I'm crazy if they saw how much I laugh when I'm by myself (okay, I usually have my two cats and dog with me when everyone leaves the house for the day).

    I laugh at what I write. I laugh at stuff on TV. Sometimes I laugh just thinking about one of my kids and a goofy thing they said the night before. I laugh at my cats play fighting.

    Anyway, I could go on. Thanks for indulging me, and thanks for coming to Aislynn's blog. I look forward to meeting you all if you get to NYC's RWA conference this summer. And if not there, visit my on Facebook!!


    Kieran :>)

  38. I would open a bookstore/coffeeshop. Great interview.

  39. Hmm... if I couldn't fail, I think I would buy a lottery ticket :)

    the feel-good part about succeeding, though, is knowing you could have failed but did not.

    +1 twitter @anjibeane
    +1 facebook anji beane

  40. Thank you for the giveaway!! I would go back to school and get my RN.
    GFC Shannon Johnson

  41. Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! If I knew I couldn't fail, I would go back to school and get a degree in broadcast journalism.

    +1 Tweeted:!/MamaHendo3/status/62170351873961984
    +1 Follow Kieran on Twitter @MamaHendo3.


  42. 1. Today is Easter Sunday . . . May God's Blessings Be Upon You!
    2. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Hop.
    3. Enjoyed reading about Kieran. Her positivity radiates from her words.
    4. New GFC Follower.
    [Answer] would love to become a cabinet maker, romance book writer, karate expert, loose weight and get married.
    [+1] follow Kieran on Twitter (lovemy6dogs)
    [+1] "like" Kieran's Facebook page
    2much2reid {at} comcast {dot} net

  43. If I knew, that I couldn't fail, I'd find a cure for RA.
    - tweet about the giveaway!/mbreakfield/status/62260916707799040
    - follow Kieran on Twitter @mbreakfield
    - subscribe to Kieran's blog marlenebreakfield(at)yahoo(dot)com
    - "like" Kieran's Facebook page Marlene Breakfield

  44. Thank you so much for the great Easter giveaway. If I knew I could not fail, I'd love to learn how to swim. I've been deathly afraid of the water since I almost drowned when I was little. I'd love to be able to overcome that. Also the water exercise would help with my severe RA.

    +1 Follow Kieran on Twitter as BookOwner
    +1 Like Kieran on Facebook as Linda Henderson

    seriousreader at live dot com

  45. I would quit my job and start my own nonprofit. captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

  46. Great giveaway :) There are so many things I would love to do if I knew I wouldn't fail. First I would be to open a bed & breakfast in England.

    +1 GFC follower
    +1 Following on twitter
    +1 Like on facebook


  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Of course I'd write a book! Regency romance:) That would truly take guts:)
    I am a gfc follower.


  49. To start off I'd do something boring like take all of my GREs but then I would probably want to learn a bunch of crazy things like how to pilot a hot air balloon or how to ride a horse while standing on its back. I can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to not failing. I think it ends up holding me back a lot.

    I'm following Kieran on twitter and facebook (@bittenbooks and Kaity Gatchell)

  50. If I couldn't fail I would open a coffee/reader shop. Not necessarily a bookstore because I wouldn't sell the books...I would just have stuff available to read. And maybe board games..wifi...

    And I would write.

    elleberra at gmail dot com

    Followed Kieran on Twitter
    Liked her facebook page

  51. If I couldn't fail I would open my own bookstore and probably have 3 or 4 more kids. I love the series, thanks for the giveaway!

    kpg813 at gmail dot com

  52. If I knew I couldn't fail then I'd be taking more random, difficult, interesting classes and put some awesome reforms on our edu system. mwahaha! Thanks for such a great giveaway. and +1 for being a twitter follower. alli_cat_08

  53. I would become a Broadway musical star. Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. follow keiran on twitter

  55. like kieran on facebook

  56. I'd be a singer/art teacher/flight attendant/nurse/counselor/set designer/writer/librarian/substitute. Too bad I can't make up my mind.

    Twitter follower: linda2060

    Lindadao2060 at yahoo dot com


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