Welcome to Knit Purl Stitch Read & Cook's new weekly feature!!
A Day in the Life of..
This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!
This week we have science fiction author Michael Hicks!
About Michael:
Call me Mike. Only my mom calls me Michael. And that’s when I’m in trouble…
I suspect that the roots of my writing career actually began early in my elementary school years, when I got to sleep over at my grandparents’ place on the weekends. After Grandma and Grandpa went to bed, I would stay up until all hours watching movies like The Blob, The Abominable Doctor Phibes, and Forbidden Planet. At home during the day, I was glued to TV series like Star Trek, Lost In Space, and Space: 1999, along with every war movie and series I could sneak in behind Mom’s back (Dad feigned ignorance, bless his soul).
And lest you think I did nothing but watch the tube, I spent far more time reading every sci-fi, horror, and war (mostly Second World War non-fiction) book I could get my hands on. In my teens I was so addicted to reading that my teachers had to yell at me in class to get my nose out of a book with spaceships and aliens emblazoned on the cover and pay attention to my “education.” Oh, the pain.
As for my personal information, I was born in 1963, although I’m quite certain I’ve never matured beyond the age of ten (at least according to my wife and parents). I grew up in Scottsdale, Arizona, and still harbor many fond memories of exploring the open desert just beyond our doorstep before the landscape was replaced with endless developments and shopping malls.
After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree from Arizona State University and being commissioned in the Army, I moved to Maryland in the mid-1980s to play a terribly minor role in defending the free world from the Soviet Empire. In fact, I spent a summer in the Soviet Union in 1983 just after Leonid Brezhnev was dipped in formaldehyde, and had a wonderful time in a very magical but tragic land.
Last, but certainly not least, I’m married to the most wonderful woman in the world and got two awesome stepsons as a bonus, with all of us serving the needs of our two Siberian cats, Nina and her big brother Sasha. We spend as little time at home as we can manage, preferring instead to be out on the road in our RV, seeing as much of North America as we can. That’s probably where I am as you read this, working on my next book…
It's sort of hard to describe a typical day in the life of moi, because most days are...atypical!


Sometime around 5:00 a.m., I finally roll myself out of bed, get cleaned up, dressed, and head off to work, where I spend the next nine hours or so banging my head against the proverbial wall.
I normally return home sometime around 3:30 or 4:00 p.m., trying to beat the traffic home. Then the true fun begins!

And, as I mentioned, I usually try to squeeze some writing in there, which is generally divided up in some portion to working on my latest novel and/or blog posts or other collections of wordage such as this.
On the weekends, I tend to write more, but not terribly much, because most of the time I'm trying to recover from the exhaustion of working what amounts to twelve to sixteen hour days. That's been my life most of the last two years.
Writing Full-Time:
I can't tell you what my typical day while writing full time is like yet, but here's my plan:

If I do that promote+write cycle four times, that'll be eight hours of honest labor (well, at least four hours, with another four spent flinging pancakes and poking people), roughly four thousand words, which is close to a full chapter, and then...I can consider myself done for the day and take a nap.

It's also very portable: our family has come to love the RV lifestyle, and next year we plan to travel even more than we did this last year. I can write anywhere, and with modern gizmos like our Verizon Mi-Fi, I can communicate anywhere.
Anyway, that's the plan! Freedom. August. I'm there...
Wow - sounds like August is going to be an amazing transition! Must be amazing knowing that you will finally be able to write full time. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! And great guest post. You had me laughing a few times with all your pancake flinging and facebook poking. LOL