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A Day in the Life of.... J. A. Saare!!!

Welcome to Knit Purl Stitch Read & Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of..

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the typical day of some of our favorite authors!

This weeks guest is a very talented multi-genre author J. A. Saare!!!

About J. A. Saare:
A multi-published author in varying genres and has written stories featured in horror magazines, zombie romance anthologies, and flash fiction contests. Her work has a notable dark undertone, which she credits to her love of old eighties horror films, tastes in music, and choices in reading, and have been described as “full of sensual promise,” “gritty and sexy,” and “a breath of fresh air.”
Currently she is penning numerous projects within the urban fantasy, erotic and contemporary, and of course, paranormal romance categories.
Those interested in her "naughtier" side can visit her alias, Aline Hunter, at

Photograph by BBT Photography.

During the school year, my schedule is entirely different. I get my kidlets off to school, settle my youngest down in the office with some toys or other things to distract her, and start writing. On average I’ll write at least three to four thousand words (sometimes more) in a day. Unfortunately, the summer is a different beast. Since I’m right in the middle of the summer, I figured I’d share a crazy day in my life when school isn’t in session and I struggle to keep my head above water.

My day usually starts around six in the morning. The husband goes to work and I’m up to make breakfast. After this the children and I will discuss what we want to do for the day. Sometimes the kids will want to dive right into “fort building” which consists of tables, chairs, the couch, and several blankets. If not, they’ll choose a movie or project (they love to paint) which allows me to get work done. Once they are distracted, I check my email. The volume of email I receive varies, but I attempt to respond to everything before I return to being “Mom” since I won’t get another solid break for a few hours. Instead I’ll paint, watch movies or shows, or take the children outside to play.

Around eleven o’clock we’ll decide what we want for lunch. Then I’ll cook and we’ll eat. Then it’s my favorite time of the day -- quiet time.  The older children go to their room to play while I get our toddler to sleep. If I can successfully get her snoozing, I’ll slip from the bed and sneak downstairs to work. This can consist of answering more email, working on edits for a project, or sneaking in writing if I’m able. Since I also contribute to a couple of blogs, I might also try to write a post or two in advance so I won’t have to worry about it when the day to post arrives.

After an hour or so, the children are finished with quiet time. We’ll usually play together, or do quiet board games, until my youngest wakes from her nap. The rest of the day consists of planning dinner, keeping them entertained, and waiting for my husband to arrive home from work.  I’ll start preparing dinner at four o’clock. Normally the children help. If not they’ll occupy themselves while I start cooking.  Their dad walks in the door at a quarter ‘til five. Once he’s put his things away it’s time to eat. Then it’s bath time. After the children are bathed, it’s time to clean the kitchen, put away the dishes, and work on laundry.

By the time everything is said and done, it’s seven o’clock. My husband takes over and it’s time to get work done. This is when I do a majority of my writing, editing, and revisions. I’ll retreat to my office, shut the door, and get started. When eight-thirty rolls around, and it’s time to put my kids to bed, I’ll stop, head upstairs, and I’ll usually return to my computer at around nine. Depending on my husband, what’s going on in our lives, or other obligations, I will return to writing or I won’t. I do try to keep a schedule so I don’t get too behind, but there have been days when I’ve missed a blog post, have had to request an extension on edits, or other things. There simply isn’t a guarantee I’ll be able to get all the work I have done prior to twelve in the morning (which is when I usually hit the sack).

Sounds fabulous, doesn’t it? *g*

The truth is a day in my life is chaotic. I do try to post here and there on Twitter or Facebook, but I’m lucky if I can say, “Hey, I’m alive here! I’ll talk to you all soon.” I wouldn’t change a thing, but it can be stressful when you have deadlines, release dates, and children who want your undivided attention.
So there you have it -- the day in the life of a mother of four who also happens to write.  It’s not the most glamorous job, but I will say spending time with my children is rewarding. I’ve decided if I don’t get a lot of writing done, it’s totally okay. Soon they’ll all be in school and I can devote more time to the stories I want to create.

Thanks for having me by the blog and for allowing me to share! Since quiet time is over, it’s time to return to the insanity called my household. I hope you all have a fantastic summer!

Jaime AKA J.A. Saare

Find Jaime at:
Twitter:  @JASaare

More by J. A. Saare:
Hunger UndoneBad Boys, Inc.


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