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A Day in the Life of... Kieran Kramer!!! (& Giveaway!!)

Welcome to Knit Purl Stitch Read & Cook's new weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of..

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!

This week we have the absolutely fabulous Kieran Kramer!!!


About Kieran:
USA Today best-selling romance author and double Rita nominee Kieran Kramer writes lighthearted Regency historical romances for St. Martin's Press. Her newest release, CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MARRIAGE, the third book in her Impossible Bachelors series, hits the shelves April 26th. A former CIA employee, journalist, and English teacher, Kieran's also a game show veteran, karaoke enthusiast, and general adventurer. Find her on Facebook, Twitter, and at



I’m so happy to be here on Aislynn’s blog, KNIT, PURL, STITCH…READ AND COOK! Speaking of which, the video I made for Aislynn shows a typical day in my life, but also leaves out some major daily events—like cooking, although you see me stirring up a pot of oatmeal—and some major people in my life, my family, who eat up all the meals!

I love to cook, but lately, my cooking mantra is, “Keep it simple.” I like that philosophy because usually it also means, “Keep it healthy.” Because if you’re working with simple ingredients, it’s hard to go wrong, right?

So on a typical morning, I’m making oatmeal (with walnuts and honey as toppers). For lunch, I’ll have whatever is leftover in the fridge, anything from last night’s meal, or just a boiled egg chopped up with  a half a can of salmon, some spinach leaves, and balsamic dressing.  For dinner, I’ll often make a quick batch of whole wheat pizza dough in my Cuisinart. I love to spread olive oil on top of the dough, some Feta cheese, slices of tomato, fresh basil, and if I have any, chicken. Spinach and mozzarella are also favorite things in our house to add to our pizzas.

The other staple I use a ton of is beans. I use Busch’s baked beans in so many things, including burritos.  A member of my family hates spicy Mexican dishes! So to please that person, I blend the Busch’s baked beans with ground turkey or lean beef, and it makes a great foundation for a good burrito.  We’ll also have baked beans at breakfast. When I lived in Scotland, I learned to love eggs and beans on toast. It was a staple over there! So now my family loves the same thing. The great thing about beans is: 1) they’re cheap, 2) they’re high in fiber, and 3) they make everything go further. So if you’re a person stretching out those dollars to feed your family and you want to keep it healthy, beans are the way to go!

Let’s see, another daily culinary staple in my life is tea. I drink it all day long! Hot black tea with no sugar but lots of milk. I buy only PG Tips brand, which is popular in England, and I only drink decaf (are you surprised? Those who know me also know I’m not the mellow type—caffeine and I don’t mix!). These days, instead of a dollop of regular 1% or skim milk, I use evaporated skim milk to give my cuppa a rich flavor--without the fat.

So that’s my daily food life, except I didn’t mention my addiction to chocolate. I have such a hard time avoiding it! I don’t (LOL!!), which is why I’m writing my books on a treadmill! We’ll see how THAT pans out, although so far, so good. I really love walking as I write.

And now I’d love to giveaway a signed copy of my latest lighthearted Regency romance, CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MARRIAGE,  along with a set of my romance trading cards, to any reader who wants to share in the comments something about YOUR life…from what you like to eat or drink, to a daily habit you enjoy, or anything you’d like to let us know! 

Giveaway Rules:

Open from July 27th until August 2nd.
Winner to be announced August 3rd.
Open to residents of Canada & US.
No PO Boxes please.
Winner will be randomly selected by

The best part about being a writer with books on the shelves is meeting you—the wonderful supporters of romance.

Long may happily-ever-after endings thrive!
I hope you enjoyed my video…and thanks for dropping by.
Hugs from Kieran :>)


Thank you so much Kieran for stopping by and sharing your day (& video) with us! 



  1. Kieran,

    I loved the video. It made me smile this morning. Last night I dropped the dog's leash while trying to close the front door. So, the first part of her evening walk looked a lot like you walking your dog. : ) I did finally catch up to her and grab the leash, but it probably gave the neighbors a good laugh if they happened to be looking out their windows at the time.
    I, too, like to take walks. Preferably without the dog because she dawdles too much. (Except if I drop the leash, in which case, she races down the sidewalk doing her best greyhound imitation.) From April to October, I take a daily walk around my neighborhood. When the weather is cooler, I retreat indoors and rely on my collection of Leslie Sansone videos to keep me in shape. I'd love to have a treadmill, but that would require a major re-organization of the basement to free up some floor space.

  2. That video is hilarious! I think you are perfectly normal...for a writer. We are a neurotic bunch completely addicted to our pajamas, laptops and tea (or coffee). I loved your first two books, they are among the favorites that I have shelved in the bookcase next to my bed. I haven't read Cloudy yet, but I can't wait! :)

  3. My post disappeared so I will start over. Rise at 5:00am every day, coffee, The Today show then shower. Work Mon-Fri Sat free then help the parents on Sunday. rather boring life. I always remember how you got your start, Dreams do come true, you are an excellent writer! I just have to follow your example.

  4. Hi, Kate!!! So you can relate about the dog, huh? LOL!! I love Striker, but he tends to get a little excited on our walks. Believe it or not, I'm able to get him to settle down and walk next to me a la Cesar Milan, but sometimes that pooch takes it into his head to run wild and free!!!

    As for the treadmill, I hope you can make room. My two sisters and I, all of us over 40, have decided we now have to make all our life decisions prioritizing our health first. Seriously. I literally will not write unless I'm on the treadmill, and that's my career! So even that takes a back seat.

    Of course, I'm doing all this because I want to live strong and healthy. It'll pay off in all areas of my life. And believe me, self-discipline doesn't come naturally to me. It's a daily battle. But I figured since God blessed me in so many ways in my life--I have loving family and friends, a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a free country to live in--this is my challenge. THIS doesn't come easy. Not at all. I want to quit every day. But I'm keeping the faith...that if I stick to it, the dividends will be there. I see them already in more energy in the afternoons. I used to get SO tired. Now when I do, I hop back on the treadmill, whining to myself and sometimes even getting tears in my eyes. But after 15 minutes, I feel awake again. It's amazing.

    Anyway, I don't want to preach to anyone. But if you or any of Aislynn's readers need a boost about getting back in the saddle with exercise, please feel free to email me at or visit me on Facebook at, and honey, will I have a pep talk for you!!! LOL!!!!


  5. Treadmill and writing? Oh Kieran I'm in awe. I drink tea all day but I get mine from an English Tea Store on the web. Lady Londonderry or Earl Grey Cream is my favorites although I love thier Bourbon Vanilla Bean Roobios too. I only like to drink tea leaves, not tea powder in a prefab tea bag. I know I'm spoiled. I also make my own homemade vanilla extract so I'm spoiled in the kitchen too. That video was so cute and just what I needed with the crazy week I'm having. We no longer have a dog but a 1yr old with toooo much energy is visiting this week before her and my eldest step-daughter go to thier new Air Force Base on Sunday so I'm chasing after her instead. Don't include me on the give away. I've been blessed with those items already and they are in my most special area with my most special books. :)

  6. Video was good! Thanks for the giveaway!


  7. So cute. Love the writing at the tread mill. Sitting is suppose to be so bad for everyone. I wish you lived by me in California we could work on the dog walking, though I did see that you said he doesn't walk that way all the time.I dog walk everyday for about an hour, except during the ridiculously hot summer, then I use the treadmill and the dog runs the stairs. I'm on the back side of 40 with a nine year old daughter, so I have to push myself to be healthy. My tip is a small handful of walnuts between 3-4.
    I would love it if you'd post your whole wheat pizza dough recipe.
    Fun video.

  8. I already have my gorgeous copy of Cloudy, but I have to comment! THIS IS A fRECking AWESOME POST! The video was hilarious, btw! Glad I am not the only one singing the praises of beans! My family thinks I am nuts, but nothing beats a nice bowl vegtable chili with tons of random beans. Kidney, lima, whatever is on sale at the store finds it's way into my pot! And since I have a big family, I find myself making it in a huge pot with tons of leftovers for a healthy lunch or whatever!


  9. WOW I loved this video! :) Writing on the treadmill is an awesome idea. :) Wonder if I could blog on one (I doubt the gym would like me bringing in my laptop and setting up). LOL

    I would have to say my favourite daily habit has now become "family time" (my family consists of my fiancee and our two cats). After dinner when Greg and I settling in to watch TV our two cats (Sasha and Esme) come to snuggle with us... they dislike each other, but will tolerate each other long enough to get snuggle time in with each of us. It's probably one of my favourite ways to relax. :)

  10. I have an addiction to coke(the drink)and if I can get a coke icee, I'm in heaven. Thanks for the giveaway

  11. Ladies, it's so nice reading your posts and getting to know you. You all rock!!! Thanks so much for stopping by.

    I hope you're enjoying your summer...I know I am. But already I'm feeling that little voice inside saying, "But don't you love autumn, too?"

    Yes, I do!!!


    And I'm kind of excited that things'll be changing soon, even though part of that will bring heartbreak, in a way, because two of my babies will be off to college. Still, I'm happy for them--I remember what it was like to have the whole world waiting for me to explore it when I was 18 and 19!

    Okay, off to write on my next book, but thanks again for visiting me on Aislynn's blog. If you win the copy of CLOUDY and prefer it on Kindle, I'll be able to send it to you that way (thanks to a reader on my Facebook page who asked me why I never give away Kindle books). Well, I looked into it, and it's easy!

    So anyway, have a great day, everyone, and best wishes for your own happy conclusion to your summer and fresh start to autumn!

  12. Gayle, I forgot to post my whole wheat pizza dough recipe, which I for from the New York Times back in 2009! Here it is:

    It's a great article!!! Good luck!!!


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