Title: A Marriage of Inconvenience
Author: Susanna Fraser
Genre: Historical Romance
Published: April 2011
Publisher: Carina Press
Source: Publisher via Netgalley for honest review
Lucy Jones is a nobody. As an orphan she was reluctantly taken in by her wealthy relatives, the Arringtons, on the condition that she be silent and obedient, always. When her lifelong infatuation with her cousin Sebastian is rewarded by a proposal of marriage, she's happy and grateful, even though the family finds excuses to keep the engagement a secret.
James Wright-Gordon has always had the benefits of money and a high station in society, but he is no snob. He's very close to his sister, Anna, who quickly falls for the dashing Sebastian when the families are brought together at a wedding party. Meanwhile, James is struck by Lucy's quiet intelligence, and drawn to her despite their different circumstances in life.
Lucy suspects that Sebastian has fallen for Anna, but before she can set him free, a terrible secret is revealed that shakes both families. Will James come to her rescue—or abandon her to poverty?
I really enjoyed this story, it's been on my TBR list for ages - and I'm glad I finally picked it up and read it! I was pulled in right from the beginning. We meet Lucy and Sebastian in the midst of his proposal - and Lucy trying to decide whether to say yes - but having to promise to keep it all secret until after her cousin's wedding.
Lucy quickly became my favorite character in this story. She was strong, protective of her brothers, thoughtful, creative and when she wanted to be - quite witty. Quickly she peeked the interest of James - next door neighbour to her cousin Portia's fiancee. On one of her excursions to paint, James stumbles over her on of his daily rides - as well as his sister Anna. From the beginning you can feel the connection these two have. Despite her being secretly engaged.
James and his sister Anna come to meet Lucy once a dinner party for Portia's engagement. Quickly sparks fly between Anna and Lucy's secret fiancee Sebastian. This creates quite the love triangle - Lucy & Sebastian, Sebastian & Anna and finally Lucy & James. All the characters have some ups and downs, and some obstacles to overcome to find their happiness - the story was well written and engaging.
There were a few flagging moments in the story where is dragged, but it quickly picked up pace again to finish quite wonderfully. I've always been a sucker for a Happily Ever After story and this didn't disappoint.
i am loving this cover!! it's a bummer that carina is only ebook