Title: Love Finds a HomeDaddy's Girl - Glenna and her father are on route to yet another town. Her father - a notorious gambler and drunk has managed to alienate them once again from yet another place on their route to the west. David, a minister on the same train is heading to his new home and church.
Author: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Genre: Historical Romance
Published: July 2011
ISBN: 1616264551
Publisher: Barbour Books
Source: NetGalley for honest review
Bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter brings you three historical stories of finding room for love.
Daddy's Girl - Glenna Moore is desperate after she watches her gambling father jump hurriedly from the back of a moving train. Will a young reverend bring stability and love back into her life?
Dear Teacher - Judith King’s life as a new schoolteacher takes an unexpected turn when a widowed father begins to captivate her thoughts. Will she muster enough courage to seek his love?
Twice Loved - Bev Winters’s job is an answer to prayer until her boss complicates her widowed life. Will her pride allow love after loss?
David and Glenna meet and wed under unusual circumstances - they are thrown together by fate. David helps Glenna cope with her father jumping from the train after being accused of cheating at a card game. His guilt drives him away from his daughter and leaves her stranded with strangers.
This is a wonderful story of finding love, faith and forgiveness.
Dear Teacher - Shy Ernie Snyder and his two children live and work on the water. They bring coal up the river from town to town. Left on his own after his wife died, he is unsure of how to deal with his daughter and son. They are in desperate need of education to get ahead in life.
Judith is the new teacher in the area. She is self-conscious and loves children. Judith has poor Ernie in a dither and doesn't even know it! Cute notes - who she believes is from a student - keep popping up in the class mailbox.
Such a great story of two people discovering one another and the joys that they bring to one another.
Twice Loved - Single mother Bev suddenly finds herself without a job, and an apartment she can barely afford. At a time when soldier's are returning from overseas jobs have become scarce for young women looking to make their way in the world.
Dan needs help at his second hand toy store - Twice Loved. Bev finds her way into his store and into his life. Each of them has their own loss - Dan losing his beloved Darcy to leukemia and Bev losing her husband.
This is an amazing story of loss, love and coming to terms with things that you just can't control.
I didn't know this was three short stories, awww!!