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A Day in the Life of... Raine Thomas

Welcome to Stitch Read Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of..

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!


Author of the exciting and original series of YA fantasy/romance novels about the Estilorian plane. She became truly passionate about writing when one of her stories took an Honorable Mention in a fourth-grade writing competition (who would have thought a story about a dancing spider would garner so much attention?). Carrying that passion with her, she earned her bachelor’s degree in English with a focus in Creative Writing from Georgia State University, then her master’s degree in Humanities from Central Michigan University.

Residing in Orlando, Florida, Raine is a hopeless romantic with a background in the fields of mental health and wedding planning…two areas that intersect far more than one would think. Her years working with children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral challenges inspired her to create young protagonists who overcome their own conflicts. When she isn’t writing or glued to e-mail or social networking sites, Raine can usually be found vacationing with her husband and daughter on one of Florida’s beautiful beaches or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and relatives.

A Day in the Life of Raine Thomas

7:00 a.m.         The alarm sounds on Friday morning. I grumble some form of a morning greeting to my husband. He mans the alarm so that it doesn’t get flung across the room.

7:05 a.m.         My five-year-old is up when I check on her. She greets me with the energy and enthusiasm only a child can muster. I glower, but give hugs.

7:10 a.m.         Coffee’s on. Praise be.

7:15 a.m.         My daughter is at the counter with a bowl of Cheerios. She gripes about not liking cereal. I glower some more and stare at the coffee pot until it beeps.

7:30 a.m.         Having wrestled my daughter into some clothes and nagged her into brushing her teeth and hair, she’s ready to go. It’s field trip day, so no backpack required. Yay! We step out together on this cold morning to walk our dog, Poe. She’s thrilled. Really…this is her thrilled face.

7:45 a.m.         Hubby and daughter depart for the day. I begin updates on my computer that take longer than expected. What should have been a quick restart ends up being 15 minutes of muttered curses and more coffee-drinking.

8:00 a.m.         I sit with my laptop and begin processing author e-mails and replying to tweets and Facebook posts that came in overnight.

8:25 a.m.         I begin composing my daily e-mail to my mother, knowing that a failure to check in with her will result in calls to the local police, FBI, CIA, NSA and quite possibly the Coast Guard.

8:40 a.m.         My focus turns to critiquing a chapter for another writer. It needs work, but her writing style is so elegant!

9:00 a.m.         Grabbing an overripe banana for a quick and regrettable breakfast, I log into Outlook to begin my work as a wedding planner. As my e-mails download, I hop onto Twitter to thank my new followers and greet the world. Then I’m off and running in planner mode.

11:00 a.m.       Quick break from planning weddings to check author e-mail, Facebook and Twitter. Then it’s back to weddings.

1:00 p.m.         Time for lunch and fitting in some reading. By now, I’m starting to drag a bit. My cat, Scout, isn’t helping with her mocking nap on the removed sofa cover.

2:45 p.m.         Off to pick my daughter up from school. She’s in Kindergarten, so this was her first elementary school field trip. She returns home with a pumpkin the size of a fist and wants to carve it. Her enthusiasm proves contagious. Hey, they make paring knives…

5:00 p.m.         Hubby comes homes from work. He managed to get some free passes for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party at Disney’s Magic Kingdom, so we head there with the five-year-old “superhero.”

11:00 p.m.       Home from the theme park and my daughter has crashed for the night. I fit in some writing time before I can’t keep my eyes open anymore.

12:00 a.m.       I’m ready to hit the sack. All in all, a nice and productive day!


Thank you so much Raine for stopping by and sharing your day with us!! 
Make sure to check out Raine's Daughters of Saraqael Series
Becoming, Central and Foretold.


  1. Whew! I'm tired just reading about her day. Raine is the best and her books are AMAZING! She cracks me up. :D


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