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A Day in the Life of... Christy Reece

Welcome to Stitch Read Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of..

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!


Growing up in a tiny community in Alabama boasting only one stop sign and a gas station gave Christy ample opportunity to create daring adventures in her head. When she wasn't thinking of her story characters, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys kept her entertained and out of trouble. Later came the chills of Stephen King and the thrills of John Grisham, but the romance genre always held a strong place in her heart.

A member of Romance Writers' of America and International Thriller Writers, Christy lives in Alabama with her husband, two incredibly cute canines and one very shy turtle.

A Day in my Life…

Uh oh. You’re about to find out a secret about me. My life is very low-key, some might say boring. Please don’t let what I’m about to tell you put you to sleep or put you off. My books are much more interesting and exciting than my daily life. Honest!

I have a regular routine that I don’t like to veer from. Routine is very important for my creativity. I wake around the same time, drink out of one of four coffee mugs (UNSUB, Team Hotch, a Barnes and Noble cup or a mug with cute puppies.) I usually eat cold cereal for breakfast. If I’m on deadline, it’s probably going to be a Pop-tart or toast. Then I get to work.

Here’s a regular day for me. If you find yourself yawning or nodding off, stand up and run in place for a minute. It works for me!

7:00 AM) Wake up and hug my girls (Maltese and Rat Terrier) and my hubby. All three are camera shy or I’d show you how cute they are! While hubby makes breakfast for the fur-kids, I sip coffee and stare into space. I can handle a hug before coffee, but must have at least two cups before any kind of conversation that requires more than a mumble can commence.

7:30) I head to my office upstairs. Open the blinds and turn on the news. Then, I read and answer emails, check Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and B&N rankings. I obsesses about rankings for the first couple of weeks after a release, then I have to let it go or it will drive me crazy.

8:30) Need more coffee and probably breakfast.

9:00) If it’s Monday, then it’s Recommend Monday on my blog site. I chat about what I got accomplished the week before, what I’m going to be working on for the upcoming week and what I read and enjoyed lately. Then I invite everyone to tell what books they read and loved. (It’s a great way to get lots of recommendations, so come on by if you get the chance!) If it’s not Monday, I’ll settle in for some serious writing/editing.

12:00) Break time. Either lunch or a snack, depending on what’s in the house and how well the writing is going. If the words just aren’t coming, I’ll take a walk or a shower. Nothing gets my characters talking to me like getting away from my laptop where I can’t type what they’re saying. Stubborn characters!

1:00) Check email, Facebook and Twitter again. (This stuff can be addictive!)

1:30) Back to writing

3:00) Check Facebook and email again. Sneak a peek at rankings. Wince, lather, repeat. (I have issues!) Then back to writing.

5:00) Dinner for the fur-kids, then hubby and me. If I’m on deadline, we’ll order in or have soup and sandwiches. If I’m not under deadline, I’ll actually make a nice meal, though if it requires more than five ingredients, it’s a stretch for me. (Have I mentioned how easy to please my hubby is?)

6:00) If I’m on deadline, I’m back to writing after dinner.

7:00) Television: I have some serious addictions: Criminal Minds, Covert Affairs, The Closer, Rizzoli and Isles, Castle, Flashpoint, Bones, Blue Bloods. And, usually by this time, my eyes are blurry and my brain is fuzzy. Concentrating on writing is useless.

9:00) Check email and Facebook once more before I’m offline for the night.

10:00) Reading till I begin to nod off, then it’s lights out!

If you want to find me when I’m supposed to be writing, you can usually find me here:

Last Chance Rescue series: 2011 SWEET TRILOGY

 In honor of Christy's visit today she's giving away a signed copy of one of her 2011 releases, SWEET JUSTICE, SWEET REVENGE or SWEET REWARD, winner's choice.

Open to residents of Canada & the US

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment.  Make sure to leave your email address!!
(example:  aislynnt(at)gmail(dot)com)

Giveaway will run until December 31st (midnight EST)


  1. Your life/routine sounds heavenly (except for the writing part...I could never do that!!!) If I could substitute reading for when you're writing, that would be awesome for me!

    My people know not to make eye contact with me until I've had at least 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I can't tolerate much noise either until that caffeine starts to kick in.

    Thanks for a sneak peak into your routine. I don't need to be entered, I'm already an LCR addict!!!

  2. Hey Kris! LOL I'm glad you didn't fall asleep reading about my day. And I'm the same way. No loud or sudden noises for me until at least two coffees. I have to ease into morning very very slowly.

    Thanks for being an LCR addict. That's my favorite kind of addict! (:

  3. i cant even keep appts much less a detailed day, kudos to you though, i wished i could

    i enjoy your books

  4. Thanks for the peek into your daily routine, Christy! I can't wait to read the new book! :)


  5. Hi Blackroze! LOL See, that's where the boring comes in. It's easy to detail it when not much changes from day to day.

    And thank you. So happy you enjoy my books!

  6. Hey Steph! Thanks so much for dropping by! Hope you enjoy SWEET REWARD!

  7. You are NEVER boring. Thanks for sharing. Don't enter me. I have all your fab books.

  8. Looking forward to Sweet Reward.
    PICK ME!


  9. Hi Amanda! Thanks, hope you enjoy SWEET REWARD. Good luck in the drawing!

  10. That's not a boring life at all, people know not to speak to me till I have at least 3 cups of coffee and the news no louder the a 5. After that so long as my pain is low I talk and move.
    I'm sooooo much an LCR addict all on Kindle and have all but the latest 3 in paperback also. So I want to win!!!!

  11. Hi Christy, interesting to see that we have the same addiction with Criminal Minds. Who is your favorite there?

    Don't enter me in the drawing as I am overseas, just wanted to say hello to Christy.

  12. Hey Kay B. Glad it doesn't sound boring to you. Maybe it's because I live it that it sounds boring to me. LOL Could be that I'm comparing myself to my characters, who definitely don't have boring lives.

    Thanks for being an LCR addict! Good luck in the drawing!

  13. What a busy person...but I've always heard if you want to get something done give it to a busy person. Hope you take time off to have a Happy New year.

  14. Hey Danny! Criminal Minds is my absolute favorite. I adore all the characters and am so thrilled to have the entire team back this year. Last year was just so wrong! I do admit to being a Hotch fan--hence the Team Hotch mug a lovely friend sent to me. However, I also love Morgan and Reid. But then, I also love JJ, Prentiss and Garcia. LOL I didn't want to leave anyone out because I adore them all.

    Thanks so much for coming by!

  15. Hi Jackie! Glad it looks busy to you. Believe me, there are plenty of times when I just stare into space for hours. LOL Usually my characters are talking to me then and I do my very best not to interrupt them.

    Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you have a happy new year too!

  16. Your not boring! Loving the Sweet Series and how your great sense of humor is in these books.

    Jackie P.

    don't enter me please

  17. Love the behind the scenes peek at your day, Christy, and big congratulations on your new release.

    cathy m
    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  18. Hey Jackie! With all these "You're not boring" comments, I'm feeling kind of interesting today. LOL Thanks for the validation!

    Oh, that wicked sense of humor of mine. Thank you for 'getting me'. (:

  19. Hey Cathy M! Thank you. Now if you're ever wondering what Christy Reece is up to at a certain time of the day, all you have to do is come back to this blog. Not much changes from day to day. (:

    Thanks so much for your good wishes!

  20. Wanted to get all three before I read the series. So now that Sweet Reward is out, can't wait. Envy that you can sleep that long each night. Do you write first word to last word or sketch out the book, then go back and fill in? Love your work; don't stop!

    Sue P.

  21. Ms.Reece,
    I just love your books.I just finished Seth & Honor's book.I can't wait for more:)

  22. I loved the post, it was fun to see what your day was like Christy.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  23. Hi Sue! Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy the SWEET trilogy!

    I don't sketch out my books but since my publisher requires a synopsis, I always write one before I get started. Then many many things change while I'm in the midst of writing the story. I usually write all the way through and then go back and add in things such as descriptions.

    And thank you, I'm thrilled you love my writing.

  24. Hi Gail! Thanks so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed SWEET JUSTICE. Hope you enjoy SWEET REVENGE and SWEET REWARD, too!

  25. Hi Barbara E! Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for dropping by!

  26. Congrats on the new release. I would love to win the first book of the series Sweet Reward. Christy is a new author for me and would love to win and read this book. Thanks for the chance to win. I love the covers of all 3 of these books, very sexy guys.

  27. Hi Chris, thanks so much. I love my covers too. Very yummy guys! Thanks for stopping by. Good luck in the drawing!

  28. Hi! I have not read any of your books yet but would love to. I think I would be obsessed about checking ratings & stuff too (I tend to be a little OCD about checking things like email, fb, ect. It's great that you have a hubby who is understanding & easy to please.
    If I won, I would love to read the first book too.
    Hope you have a great & safe New Year's!
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  29. Hi June M! LOL I told someone that writing brought out my hidden OCD tendencies. Never knew I had them until Facebook, Twitter and the opportunity to check ratings and ranks came to my attention.

    If you have the opportunity to read an LCR book, hope you enjoy. Good luck in the drawing. Happy New Year to you, too!

  30. We certainly have the same taste in TV shows - love all those you listed. I'd add NCIS too. So I'm sure too love your books. I have a rather boring schedule also, excluding the writing. Have to make myself get out of the rut sometimes.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  31. Hi Di! Love NCIS too but somehow only find the reruns. I adore Mark Harmon!

    LOL Boring and ruts are seriously underrated. Though sometimes, if I want to really shake things up, I'll go see a movie. Seeing characters on a big screen somehow inspires me to write bigger. (:

    Thanks for stopping by! If you try my books, hope you enjoy!

  32. I like a lot of the same shows as you.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com


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