Title: Touch of Power
Author: Maria V. Snyder
Genre: Paranormal, YA
Pages: 394
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Mira
Source: Netgalley
Laying hands upon the injured and dying, Avry of Kazan absorbs their wounds and diseases into herself. But rather than being honored for her skills, she is hunted. Healers like Avry are accused of spreading the plague that has decimated the Fifteen Realms, leaving the survivors in a state of chaos.
Stressed and tired from hiding, Avry is abducted by a band of rogues who, shockingly, value her gift above the golden bounty offered for her capture. Their leader, an enigmatic captor-protector with powers of his own, is unequivocal in his demands: Avry must heal a plague-stricken prince—leader of a campaign against her people. As they traverse the daunting Nine Mountains, beset by mercenaries and magical dangers, Avry must decide who is worth healing and what is worth dying for. Because the price of peace may well be her life...
Having read another book by Ms. Snyder (Poison Study) and thoroughly loved it; I decided to give the first book in her new series (the Healer's) a try. And boy oh boy, was I not disappointed! WOW. The new world she's created is incredible! So much action, magic and great details - I couldn't put it down!
Avry is the last healer. All those found with her gift have been captured and killed - blamed for a deadly plague that has killed so many in the Fifteen Realms. She's been on the run for four years, traveling from village to village keeping a low profile. Unable to let a child die, she uses her powers and is turned over to those who are hunting for her. She is rescued by Kerrick, Flea, Belen, Vinn and Quain - who are on a mission to find a healer to save a friend.
Their journey is plagued (literally) by enemies, the living dead, betrayers and deadly flowers. Kerrick and Avry are at each others throats but finally find a middle ground and learn to trust one another and the others in their group.
I don't want to give too much of the story away - as it's a fantastic adventure that will keep you glued to the pages. Maria did an amazing job creating Avry and Kerrick's world. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book in the series Scent of Magic coming out sometime next year!
For those who loved Snyder's Study series or her Glass series - you will love this as well!
Looking forward to reading this one! Sounds great!