Title: The Price of Temptation Author: Lecia Cornwall Genre: Historical Romance Pages: 384 Published: December 2011 Publisher: Avon Source: NetGalley Where to Buy: Amazon Synopsis: Once wed to England's most notorious turncoat... Lady Evelyn Renshaw can ignore the disgrace her former husband has brought down upon her. She can even disregard the accusations. But when her life is threatened because of his actions, she realizes a stiff upper lip won't be enough to keep her safe. So she hires a new footman powerful enough to protect her...only to find herself shamelessly intoxicated by his breathtaking masculinity. Captain Sinjon Rutherford is no footman...but there are those who believe him a traitor. The only way to prove his innocence is by playing the part of elegant Lady Evelyn's servant in order to infiltrate her home and uncover the truth about her suspicious relations. Yet what seems at first an easy d...