Title: Secret Life of a Scandalous Debutante Author: Bronwyn Scott Genre: Historical Romance Pages: 288 Published: August 2011 Publisher: Harlequin Source: NetGalley Synopsis: Just another dull debutante? From boxing at Jackson's to dancing starry–eyed society belles around London's ballrooms, Beldon Stratten is the perfect English gentleman. And he's looking for a perfectly bland, respectable wife. Appearances can be deceiving… Exotic Lilya Stefanov is anything but bland. Beldon is intrigued to see that the ragamuffin girl he once knew has matured into an elegant lady, poised and polite! But beneath the mysterious beauty's evening gowns and polished etiquette lies a dangerous secret—and a scandalous sensuality… Lilya has a secret, one that could very well end her life if she's not careful. Strong willed, elegant and exotic - she is nothing like the typical young ladies out for the season. While she ...