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Romance Week: Most Romantic - Evie S (from Bookish)

 Each day this week I'm having a special guest who is going to share their "Most Romantic.."

Hi guys~ *waves*

My name is Evie and I'm the book blogger behind Bookish. I'm here with you today to share my "Most Romantic Trip" story.

When Aislynn asked me to share my most romantic experience with her readers, I jumped at the invitation. I knew from the very beginning that this was something I could actually talk about. I'm not a writer. I'm "just" a reader. I don't know how to write beautiful, heart-warming stories, but I do have a story to share.

It's a story of my trip to Asia - a trip that changed my life. In fact, I wouldn't be talking to you today if it wasn't for that trip. I would probably be working as a book editor at one of the publishing companies in Poland. Yes. In Poland. Cause that's where I lived before the life-changing Asia trip :)

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.


It was July 2009 when I first signed up to be a member of a pen-pal site. HA! I know what you're thinking.. "is this one of those e-Harmony bullsh** love stories again?" No. Well, not entirely. It wasn't an e-Harmony or any "fishy" dating website or anything, it was a pen-pal site where people could make friends with other people, often from the other side of the planet.
I always enjoyed exchanging emails with people from Asia. Ever since I can remember I was always interested in Korean and Japanese culture and life style. And well, let's face it - Korean guys are HOT. There, I said it!

I wasn't looking for a boyfriend or anything, so when a (gorgeously looking) Korean guy sent me an email, I was rather slow with my replies. Thankfully, he was a persistent (or stubborn if you prefer) b-blood type. We exchanged many emails and sometime in December, he asked me to go with him to Asia (He was Korean living in Canada). I said "sure", thinking to myself: "there's no way a guy from Canada is going to spend so much money just to meet up with a girl from Europe. He's surely just playing around". I then forgot about the whole thing. Few days later I got my plane ticket in my mailbox. A plane ticket to Seoul!

OK. So he wasn't playing around after all...

And what do you think I did? I packed my bags and flew to Seoul of course!

Jet-lagged, terrified (first-time flying!), still a bit skeptical, but curious as hell, I didn't really know what to expect, until I saw him standing at the airport arrivals' gate, waiting for me. He was PERFECT. I knew that moment, that somehow, somewhere, one day I will marry this guy.

Three days later, we were taking a cab to the Seoul's National Museum of Korea. He turned to me and asked: "Evie, if one day we'll get to see Tokyo and Hong Kong together, will you marry me?" YES!!! And then next thing I know, he is showing me plane tickets to Tokyo and Hong Kong!!! I thought that somewhere along the way I died and went to heaven. My very own kind of Heaven with jajjangmyun noodle, kimbab, galbi and hot Korean guys.

All in all, we spent two weeks traveling in Asia. We visited, like, a hundred places, from small Korean t-shops, N-Tower, museums, Korean fortune tellers, to Hong Kong, Buddha's Mountain, Akihabara, Tokyo Fish Market, Harajuku and many, many others. He planned every second of every day we were together. It was UNBELIEVABLE.

Fast forward 3 years and we are now a happily married couple living together in Canada.

I found my other half on the other side of the planet.

These two weeks in Asia, they changed everything. I don't think I ever truly knew what love was until I met Jae in Seoul.

But hey, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. How about a video then?

Thank you for letting me take part in your fabulous Romance Week, Aislynn!


  1. I miss my pen pal days! Congrats on finding your other half a world away. That is very sweet.

  2. What a great story! Very cute video too, loved it.

  3. Oh Evie -- what an AMAZING "how we met" story! Such a romantic husband you have ;) I understand now why you would follow him from one end of the country to the other; you two are truly a match made in heaven.

  4. WOW! What an amazing love story. :)


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