Title: Prince Korasoff's Road Map Author: Gervase Shorter Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Romance Pages: 188 Published: September 2011 Publisher: Gervase Shorter Source: via Author Where to buy: Amazon Synopsis: Edward is compiling a technical bibliography while Albertine works on her doctoral thesis. They glance up to find they are looking into each other’s eyes. Shyly they both look away. It seems the attraction they have started to feel for each other will come to nothing but then Albertine’s friend Tabitha steps in, determined to stage manage their romance with unforeseeable consequences. This was an interesting read. Edward is a widower, who has decided it’s time to move on his in life. While he loved his wife, he is lonely and with the encouragement of his daughter and son in law he signs up for an online dating service to meet someone. He greatly admires a young woman he sees several times a week at the libr...