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Discussion: Comfort Food & Comfort Reads

You know when you have one of those days - bad day at work, a fight with your partner or your BFF? 

Do you have a favorite comfort food or a comfort read that you can always turn to to make you feel better?

Last week, I had one of those days at work and I just wanted to curl up and cry.  When I got home I grabbed a stack of my favorite books off the shelf and put on my PJ's and snuggled up in bed.  The Bridal Quartet books by Nora Roberts are some of my favorites and I have re-read this series numerous times since they came out - my copies are getting dog eared and worn!  There is something about these four friends that has me hooked!

Now we all have comfort foods - mine is pasta!  Anything pasta.  So I made lasagna.  There is just something about it that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and can cure any sort of bad day.

What is your comfort read and/or food?

Because I love a good book and good food.. I'm going to give away a copy of the Bride Quartet to one lucky commenter! Open to Canada/US

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I loveeee SOUP...all kinds of soup! Soup makes everything better :)

    As for books, if I need comforting then I usually go for a Historical Romance. I need the warm & fuzzies that you get from reading about a couple falling in love!

    ♥Isalys / Book Soulmates

  2. I've read a lot of Nora's books, but not this series yet. :)

    My comfort read, actually, would be another series of hers (and the first romance book I ever read), the Irish Born trilogy (Born in Fire, Born in Ice and Born in Shame). :) I've read my copy so many times in the 10 years since I got it that it is about to fall apart! But I love the books and I can practically quote them by heart! Love the characers, love the setting, love the story...just Love it! :)

    Comfort food... Hm... Chocolate anything? LOL.

    Great giveaway, thanks so much for this post! :)

    TBQ's Book Palace

  3. Cool giveaway. Love it when I find a new author. My comfort food is homemade soup, and a good cup of coffee and cheesecake. I love Romance books.

  4. My comfort foods are Chicken Noodle Soup or chocolate. LOL

    And my comfort books are Historical Romances - mostly Bertrice Small's work - especially The Kadin or A Moment In Time.

    What an awesome giveaway. I still need to read this series.

  5. Thanks for a great giveaway! I'd have to say that a good cup of hot chocolate paired with anything by Julie Garwood or Jennifer Crusie makes me spirits go right up ;)

  6. For comfort reads I find I usually turn to small-town stories in contemporary settings. I like feeling a part of the town, family and share in their friends. One of my favorite is Susan Wigg's Lakeshore Chronicles, the Twilight, Texas series by Lori Wilde. I want an emotional connection but also some humor which Kristan Higgins's and Susan Elizabeth Phillips's books always have. I recently discovered Nora Roberts and her books easily comfort. This is a wonderful giveaway.

    For foods, I like fruits for comfort :)

  7. Comfort reads for me are early Jayne Ann Krentz like Absolutely, Positively, Sweet Fortune and Trust Me. They are keepers. Also Diana Palmer, eg. Cattleman's Choice, and Linda Howard's Ducan's Bride. I love the historicals that make me laugh, like Lynsay Sands and the wonderful Julie Garwood. Too many other authors to list here. I love snuggling down with a cup of coffee in my nice chair, and reading uninterrupted. Bliss!

  8. I love Nora Roberts! My comfort reads are any Nicholas Sparks book!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My comfort read would be Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series, anything by Lisa Kleypas, or Chase Brothers by Lauren Dane. I would love to win and read these books. I have read the first 2 books and loved them. Borrowed from the library so would love them as my own. Thanks for the giveaway.


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