Title: Demon Hunting in the Deep South Author: Lexi George Genre: Paranormal Romance Pages: 336 Published: July 2012 Publisher: Kensington Source: NetGalley Buy Links: Amazon, Kobo, Book Depository Synopsis: The warrior and the wallflower . . . Shy, self-conscious Evie Douglass tries to stay under the radar, especially when her nemesis Meredith Peterson, aka The Death Starr, is anywhere around. Meredith and her bitch posse of skinny girlfriends have tormented Evie since the seventh grade, calling her names like The Whale and Thunder Thighs. Evie tries to stay invisible, but that’s not an easy thing for a plus-sized gal to do in a small town like Hannah, Alabama. She finds it doubly hard to avoid Meredith’s wrath once she takes a job at the lumber mill. You see, Meredith’s husband is Evie’s new boss. Translation: more torture time for The Death Starr. Evie thinks things couldn’t get much worse until the morning she finds Meredith...