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A Day in the Life of… Mandi from Smexy Books

Welcome to Stitch Read Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of.....

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors BLOGGERS!!

Mandi lives two lives. One at home with a husband and two boys. Another surrounded by romantic happily ever afters and sometimes if she is feeling daring, a dangerous urban fantasy world. She has collected numerous fictional boyfriends along the way that keep her quite busy. While she has many favorite authors, on her auto-buy list currently are Courtney Milan, Cara McKenna, Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh and Marie Sexton….just to name a few.  Find her on Twitter & Goodreads.

I’d like to thank Aislynn for inviting me to share my day!

Fictional 7 am: Barrons wakes me up by..well…let’s just say I wake up happy. I roll over and check my phone for any important messages or tweets. I usually have at least one with a link to a hot boy pictures. Barrons gets jealous.

Real 7am: I barely open my eyes, grab phone and stare at twitter until I wake up. I grumble incoherently until the coffee is ready.

Fictional 8am: I drink coffee and get my blog ready for the day. Vishous makes me breakfast. He can make a mean scrambled egg.

Real 8am: I drink two pots of coffee and throw some poptarts at my kids. I feed the gazillion animals that are all staring at me. I stay on Twitter way too long making me late for everything else.

Fictional 10am: Lothaire gives me a mani/pedi and brushes my hair for an hour. We get in the hot tub together. There are lots of bubbles.

Real 10am: If my family is lucky I shower. They usually aren’t so lucky. If all the planets align, I may run to the store to buy milk and bread, something rarely seen in this house. Alas, the planets have not aligned.

Fictional 12pm: Bran brings home a rabbit for lunch. This is how werewolves show affection. I smile and don’t make eye contact.

Real 12pm: Wait, I have to prepare another meal?!?

Fictional 2pm: It’s nap time with Smite! He reads me poetry until I fall asleep. I dream of book and cravats.

Real 2pm: I sneak into the bedroom to read my Kindle for a few minutes. I spot large pile of laundry that I should be folding. I pretend not to see it. Later I’m pretty sure the pile growls at me.

Fictional 5pm: Jamie Fraser teaches me to ride a horse. I also get to peek up his kilt.

Real 5pm: Wine! I’ve made it to 5. I can have wine!

Fictional 7pm: Bones takes me out to get ice cream. He flies me there of course. I demand he calls me Kitten.

Real 7pm: Dishes, showers, pick up toys, feed animals again (needy beings!).

Fictional 9pm: Hawke gives me a back rub to release all my stress. He growls at my cat.

Real 9pm: Blessed quiet. I can read. *five minutes later* The kids want a glass of water. Husband has lost his shoes. The dog has to be walked.

Fictional 11pm: Finally snuggled up with all of my fictional boyfriends for the night. Sweet dreams everyone.

Real 11pm: Finally snuggled up with my Kindle and my hubs for the night. And you know what? I’ll take it. ….And then hubs starts to snore. Can I jump back into fictional land again?


  1. Ha! Rock on with your fantasy world. What would we DO without our imagination...

  2. Ah, loved it! :) FictionalLand rocks, but hey, sometimes reality isn't too bad. Like "Real 11pm"...until your husband snores. :D LOL. Modern medicine and we still can't fix that? *shakes head*


  3. OMG! I loved this post! :) Finally something made me smile today. Work was not being so kinda so I came home for lunch so I could surf then net and I'm so glad I did. :)

    Off to check out Smexy Books now. :)

  4. Great post. I have had laundry growl at me too, usually it will stop if you ignore it long enough LOL. I do LOVE Smexy Books :)


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