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A Day in the Life of… Jaci Burton!

Welcome to Stitch Read Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of.....
This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!


Jaci Burton is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of over 50 books. She lives in Oklahoma and when she isn’t on deadline (which is often), she can usually be found wrestling with her uncooperative garden, wrangling her dogs, watching an unhealthy amount of television, or completely losing track of time reading a great book. She’s a total romantic and longs for the happily ever after in every story, which you’ll find in all her books.

Visit her website at
for excerpts, her blog and contest information.


I was thrilled when Aislynn asked me to write a Day In The Life. I think it’s important you all know the very hard work that goes into the daily life of an author.

8:30 a.m. - Roll over in bed and look at the clock. Groan and realize I should have gotten up at 7. Note to self: Stop staying up so late watching those real life murder shows on the I.D. Channel.

8:35 a.m. - Drink coffee, let dogs out. Feed dogs. Let dogs out again.

9:00 a.m. - Boot up computer (There was more coffee consumed during that gap between 8:30 and 9 a.m.) Download email. Oh, a sale from Coach? Must check that out. But first, I have to write. Writing is important and my #1 priority today.

9-9:30 a.m. – Check Twitter and Facebook. Reply to messages. Talk to friends. Click on interesting links.

10:00 a.m. – Let dogs out. Ask them why they have such tiny bladders. Receive no reply.

10:15 – Oops. Forgot to eat breakfast. I should do something about that.

10:30 a.m. – Check email again. A sale at Neiman Marcus? Ooooh…. Clicks link.

10:45 a.m. – Check Twitter and Facebook. Reply to messages. Talk to friends. Click on interesting links.

Noon - Just now notice it’s noon. How could it be noon already? How could I have done no writing yet? I’ve been busy all morning. I know I’ve been working. Open Word document. Read chapter I wrote yesterday. Make adjustments. Stare at page.

Dogs are whining. Let dogs out.

2 p.m. Still staring at page. Realize book is not writing itself. Cuss at characters for not being sentient beings. Come to realization that I haven’t had lunch. Stop for lunch. Let dogs out.

3:30 p.m. – Have had a great solid hour of writing. I’m in the zone. Words are flowing, plot is zooming, characters are cooperating. Biker Dude, my husband, comes home from work early and breaks my concentration by wanting to chat about his day and asks me about mine. Since I love and adore Biker Dude, I comply. I tell him I wrote like a maniac all day. Realize I’ll be writing tonight while watching Grey’s Anatomy. Dammit.

Note: No two days of writing are the same. Some days I actually get up earlier. Some days I get a lot of writing done, and other days are filled with emails that have to be answered, promotion that has to be done, books that need editing. At least in my life, there’s very little structure, but always the book somehow finds a way to get finished. I don’t know how, but it does. Book writing fairies, maybe?

Thanks for letting me share a very non-typical day with you.

Bella, Jaz and Sam
And here’s a picture of the dogs with tiny bladders. From the left, that’s Bella, Jaz and Sam.



One lucky commenter is going to win their choice of either THE TIES THAT BIND (e-book) or PLAYING TO WIN (paperback)

PlayingToWinMed TheTiesThatBind

Open Internationally!

Must be 18 or older.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great post. Love these day in the life ones. This is a new series for me, but these are some of the sexiest covers I have ever seen. I love the football cover. Yummy.
    My questions for Jaci is: Any new series that you are working on? What is your favorite genre to read? and to write?
    thanks for the giveaway.
    christinebails at yahoo dot com

  2. Been a fan of Ms Burton's since I read Riding Wild. She's an AutoBuy. I am also going to her booksigning in MO in December.

    PS I really like your Blog Picture.

  3. Would love The Ties That Bind, just found this blog, looks interesting! thanks

  4. Great post. Love the dog bladder comment. LOL

  5. Chris - Thank you! I love the Play by Play series covers, too! They're pretty amazing, aren't they?
    I'm currently working on a new series, my Hope contemporary romance series, which will debut with Berkley next year. It's a small town contemporary romance series set in Oklahoma. Very fun and romantic, with a lot of connected characters. I'm really excited about it and can't wait for the books to come out. The first book, Hope Smolders, is a novella and will release in the Hot Summer Nights anthology, next July, which also includes novellas from Carly Phillips, Erin McCarthy and Jessica Clare. Then the first full length book, Hope Flames, will release in September.

    As far as my favorite genre to read and write, I love contemporary romance. Some of my favorite authors are Jill Shalvis, Julie James, Shannon Stacey, Nora Roberts, and Maya Banks. Though I do absolutely love Nalini Singh--she's my go to for paranormals.

  6. I read Playing to Win & loved it! Obviously, you spend a lot of time actually writing, to have so many books. I love those covers, also. Thanks for a chance to win!

  7. This was a great article, I really enjoy your books!

  8. Your dogs are adorable! And I know exactly how you feel. I have two Jack Russells, and one is still a puppy. They take up a VERY large chunk of my day with oustide, play, etc. But I love them to pieces.


  9. I just love you play by play series. Best one yet :)


  10. Great post! Thanks for the great giveaway and sharing with us.

  11. Love all your books! a great read

  12. I love your books so much that I am buying your ebooks! I already have them in paperback! :) Thanks for the great reat reads!!

  13. I totally understand the 8:30 time segment! I do the same thing.

  14. Thanks for the fun post! Your day is very full! I totally sympathize being the doorman for a pack of dogs :)

  15. Loved the post! Cute dogs. Thanks for the chance.


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