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Fallen Women Week: Shana Galen (& Giveaway)

Co-hosted by Kati and Jamie (from
Romancing Rakes for the Love of Romance) & Myself

This event showcases some of the amazing authors and books that feature “fallen women” as the heroine.  Make sure to stop back each day as we will have guest posts, interviews and lots of giveaways!

Today for FWW I have Shana Galen and the lovely ladies at RRFTLOR have Delilah Marvelle!

Color Shana Galen H-R-2118

Shana Galen is the national bestselling author of numerous fast-paced, adventurous Regency historical romances, including the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice for Best Historical Hero, The Making of a Gentleman. Her books are published all over the world and have been featured in the Rhapsody and Doubleday Book Clubs. She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston's inner city.

Now she writes full time. She’s happily married to an incredibly supportive man she calls Ultimate Sportsfan, and she has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making.


Hi Shana, thank you for agreeing to take part in our Fallen Women Week Event!

Thanks for having me, Aislynn!

1. What makes “fallen women” special to you as an author?

I feel like our Society, much like the Regency society, is always studying our celebrities and waiting for them to fall from grace. Everyone loves a scandal. Well, no one is perfect. All of us have done things we’re not proud of. Fallen women, like the courtesans in my Jewels of the Ton series, embrace their fallen status and turn their notoriety into success.

2.  If you could trade places with any fallen woman (real or fictional) who would it be and why?

I’d trade places with the woman who inspired my series about courtesans, real courtesan Grace Dalrymple Elliott. She knew everyone and went everywhere in the Georgian era. Her daughter was the acknowledged offspring of the Prince Regent. She was the lover of the Duc d’Orléans before he went to the guillotine during the French Revolution, and she spied for the English during the Revolution. She also saved the lives of some of those condemned to the guillotine. She was remarkable.

3.  What are the characteristics of a hero would you want for your “fallen woman”?

I think Will in When You Give a Duke a Diamond is a great hero for a fallen woman. He is straight-laced, rigid in his thinking, and unforgiving. He’s exactly the kind of man—the kind of person—who needs to realize that no one is perfect. If someone like that can accept and love a woman with a less than lily-white reputation, then we can all learn to look beyond the exterior.

4.  If your book were to have a theme song, what would it be?

I think it would be “Tonight” by Hot Chelle Rae. It’s not exactly Regency-sounding, but it really expresses the impulsiveness of Juliette, my heroine, and the way that Will finally learns to let some things go.

5.  What book is at the top of your TBR pile?

Valerie Bowman’s Secrets of a Wedding Night.

Quick either/or:

1. Alpha or Beta? Alpha

2. Wallflower or Belle of the Ball? Belle of the Ball

3. Debutante or Spinster? How about courtesan or spy?

4. Virgin widow or Secret baby? Virgin widow

5. Titled peer or Working man? Titled peer

6. Love at first sight or Second chances? Second chances

7. Naval officer or Swashbuckling pirate? Swashbuckling pirate

8. Vampires or Shifters? Vampires

9. Past, Present or Future? (sneaky) Past

10. Writing or Reading? Reading

11. Paperbacks or e-books? Both

12. Plotter or Pantser? Panster

13. Author’s choice: You get to ask a question for the readers to answer.

Readers, since we’re talking about fallen women and second chances, do you like second chance at love stories or are you a love-at-first-sight reader all the way?

He had a perfectly orderly life...

William, the sixth Duke of Pelham, enjoys his punctual, securely structured life. Orderly and predictable—that's the way he likes it. But he's in the public eye, and the scandal sheets will make up anything to sell papers. When the gossip papers link him to Juliette, one of the most beautiful and celebrated courtesans in London, chaos doesn't begin to describe what happens next...

Until she came along...

Juliette is nicknamed the Duchess of Dalliance and has the cream of the nobility at her beck and call. It's disruptive to have the duke who is the biggest catch on the Marriage Mart scaring her other suitors away. Then she discovers William's darkest secret and decides what he needs in his life is the kind of excitement only she can provide..


All you have to do to enter is answer Shana’s question – Do you like second chance at love or are you a love at first site reader all the way?

Open internationally!
No PO Boxes please
Must be 18 yrs or older

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm all about Second Chances :) Great interview! Love your fallen women questions and learning about the woman who inspired Shana to write about fallen women. :)

    1. Thanks, Chrystal. I have to admit that I used to be a love at first sight junkie, but now I kind of prefer second chance stories.

  2. Thanks for a fun post and giveaway! I luv 2nd chance romances! I think it makes the relationship deeper and more meaningful to me as a reader if they have to get past some issues and really examine why they want to be together. Then you know for sure that their HEA's will last b/c they had to work so hard at it.

    1. Erin, that's a good point. Usually a couple who is getting a second chance has already failed once, but they love each other enough to want to try again.

  3. Such a fun interview. I love the word association at the end :)

  4. I like second chance. It always seem more 'realistic' to me.

    1. Thanks, May. I so agree that second chance stories seem to have an edge of reality to them.

  5. I can't decide. Sometimes I love the "love at first sight", but other times there is always a soft spot for second chance romance.

    1. Allie, I don't see why we can't love all the romance stories!

  6. I like most stories if they are done right. I tend to lend toward love at first sight, but I don't not read a book because it is different

    1. Regencygirl, I think a good story is just that, no matter what the premise.

  7. I am a hopeless at first site and second chances. Both. Cannot wait to read the book Shana!!

  8. I am a lover of love. I like both, but I think I love second chances better. I love that even though you were in love once and for whatever reason it did not work out, there still is the second time that maybe you could fall in love again and even harder then the first time. A lot of the times they are just better and more mature, and ready for the long lasting love. Love your books Shana and definatley this is on my reading radar.

    1. Chris, great point. The thing I love about second chance stories is that I'm able to go deeper into the emotions and the complexity of emotions involved in a love affair. Most of the time, love at first sight is about the meet and the excitement of falling in love. that's fun, but as everyone knows, as love matures, it also changes and deepens.

  9. I love second chances.....the first may be good, but you develop the knowledge and skills to make the second one better!!!

    1. Ponykeg, how very true! The fun thing about second chances is you already know what the other person loves and hates.

  10. I already have the book. Which is a good thing, becasue I like both first love and second chances.

    1. Thanks, Ella. I do, too! I love all kind of romances :-)

  11. Second chances...the give you hope and melt your heart

    1. Very true. I do think second chances are often hopeful stories.

  12. Second chances...the give you hope and melt your heart

  13. Hi

    I do like second chances at love...after all things do not always go the way you want the first time.

    Love your books.

    Thanks for the chance

    1. Thanks, Pam. I can think of lots of things I'd like to do over, so I am all for second chances in every walk of life.

  14. Second chance romances are a favorite. Great post! Thanks Shana!

    1. Gossupgurl, I'm so glad to hear that. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. I don't think I have an either or - I love variety so both options are interesting and if I care about the characters, the author can do anything! Looking forward to your newest story.


    1. I love that answer, catslady, and I know you read so widely that it's true. I completely agree. Some of the best books I've read were books I didn't think I'd enjoy.

  16. long as the writing is good and the story is believable, I'll love it. :)

    1. here's often something more believable to me about second chance stories, Beebs. I suspect, deep down, I don't really believe in love at first sight. I do believe in lust at first sight :-)

  17. I like that there is a second chance at love, but the love at first sight is good too. I guess it depends on the story, I love romance no matter what.

    1. So do I, Sheryl. Give me a good romance, and I'm happy!

  18. I love "second chances" story -- there's more emotional angst involved and I love seeing how the hero and heroine will learn from their previous mistakes and make it right this time around.

    Wonderful feature! Congratulations to Shana on her new book!

    1. Thanks, Tin. I totally agree. I do think the second chance stories have a more emotional component, and i really like writing that.

  19. I like to mix up my reading. I read both love at first sight and second chance. I don't always like love at first sight because they are at first sight. The author really has to get it right or it is just plain silly! jepebATverizonDOTnet

    1. Jen, that's too funny! I know just what you mean, though. Thanks for stopping by.

  20. I love second chances! Sometimes people make mistakes and they just need the opportunity to make amends.

    AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

    1. Aquarian Dancer, and those sorts of stories can be so moving and poignant.

  21. Second chance at love is one of my favorite themes - I always enjoy seeing a couple get another chance to get it right. :D

    1. Mine, too, Barbara. It can be so satisfying to see someone resolve a conflict.

  22. I love them both they make such wonderful stories, but if I had to choose I would say Love at first sight, would be my more favored one.

    1. Joy, I think most romance readers are drawn to love at first sight stories first. I know I always come back to them.

  23. I like both second chance & love at first sight. It's how they get finally get together that I love. Just give me a HEA.

  24. I love second chance stories :) When the characters have a history and often have to overcome some heartache from it makes a great story. But as long as I get a HEA, I will take either!

    1. June, I really enjoy the stories that have some poignancy. Maybe that's why I enjoy writing the second chance stories.

  25. Hi Shana,

    I love both second chance at love and love at first sight :)

    1. Me, too, Eli! I certainly intend to keep writing both.

  26. I like second chances. Nice interview :)

  27. I like Love At First Sight. I know it's a fantasy but that's what romance is all about--leaving the real world behind and being transported into a world that's fantastic!

    Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. There's nothing wrong with fantasy. Why else read romance? Thanks for the comment!

  28. I do enjoy love at first sight stories, but I have to admit that I adore second chance stories. Maybe because I have a lot of regrets in my life and I like the idea that a person can have a second chance at love.
    Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway as well.


    1. Pam, i think as we get older, sometimes those second chance stories appeal to us more for the reasons you mentioned.

  29. I love the second chance at love!!!

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  30. Second chances!! Although I love, love at first sight too, second chances are more heart warming for me.

    1. I agree that sometimes love-at-first-sight is more exciting, but second chance stories can be more emotional.

  31. Second chances are always nice. There's a history there that can really pull at your heart on the second time around when it's written right. This actually is like asking which kid you love more because those love at first sight stories are great too!

    1. Leah, that's a great analogy. Fortunately, I only have one kid! But you can say both and that you love them equally :-)

  32. a love at first site! love it when it's a friend of the brother and she's just a wee thing or when a wallflower is first noticed.

    1. Juanita, you definitely know what you like! I love wallflower stories too. I'm not so good at writing them, though.

  33. Love second chances. Experienced, cautious, yet open to the belief that there is still someone out there, a soulmate, to share the remainder of your days with! Trust is a big factor in this new relationship.

    1. Laurie, you got it exactly right. It's the trust that's the issue, not the falling in love. Thanks!

  34. OOPS! I forgot to include my e-mail address.

    johns lake at usa dot com

  35. Hi Shana! I'm totally with you on the virgin widows and swashbuckling pirates! You're one if my favorite authors so it's such an honor to know my book is on the top of your TBR pile!

    1. I'm enjoying SECRETS OF A WEDDING NIGHT, Valerie! It's a lot of fun. I need more time to read.

  36. Hi Shana -

    My choice has to be "second chance"! My husband and I celebrated our 42nd anniversary earlier this year and believe me no one whose been married or in a relationship that long has needed a second chance 2 or 10 times!

    I really do like 2nd chance romances because it shows how much the characters have changed as well as grown throughout the intervening years. Many readers may not admit it but I think all of us secretly wan to personally identify with the characters and it's much easier to do that with a not-quite perfect hero and heroine!

    The two saying that has stuck with me since childhood were from my great-grandmother who happened to be blind but always seemed to know exactly what us "younguns" were thinking. Those words of advice were "Judge not that ye be not judged" and "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone". Not bad advice in today's world either.

    1. Jeanne, it's nice to hear someone who has been married so long say that there's a need for a lot of second chances. That's good for those of us who haven't been married as long to remember. I like those sayings too. They apply in a lot of situations!

  37. Love at first sight is great. But second chances are better, because they learn from their mistakes and you heal wounds of love. You get to see how the characters grow and learn to forgive each other, that's awesome! Sometimes love at first sight is a little bit unrealistic.

    1. Lisa, I agree. I don't always want realism with my romance, but sometimes I like a story I can relate to.

  38. I like love at first sight when it's done right, but not instalove. Does that make sense? I think anyone who has read both types probably know what I mean!

    1. Julie, I do know what you mean. I think you like attraction at first sight, or maybe love but the characters don't realize it or avoid it, and then a development into love later. Thanks for posting!


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