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Review: The Beldam’s Eye by Jennifer Rainey


Title:  The Beldam’s Eye
Author:  Jennifer Rainey
Genre:  Contemporary, Fantasy
Pages:  209
Published:  September 2012
Source:  via Goddess Fish Book Tours
Buy Links:  Amazon


When Erasmus Bramble finds the recently-deceased Angus Heyer rummaging through his kitchen cabinets, he knows he has a unique case on his hands.

As paranormal investigators in rural Ohio, Ras and his business partner Antony Yeats tackle ghostly problems on a daily basis, from poltergeist exterminations to troubled spirits just looking for a shoulder to cry on. Angus isn’t looking for ghost therapy. He needs Ras and Yeats to help him retrieve a pocket watch stolen from him after death, a pocket watch that is said to be cursed: The Beldam’s Eye.

The skeptical Ras and Yeats agree to take Angus’s case, but they soon find themselves in over their heads, facing murder, theft and perilous dark magic. Is it all just backwoods superstition or is the curse of The Beldam’s Eye grisly reality?

Ghosts are no longer something to be feared – they are treated like pets and used for entertainment.  Sadly not all spirits are the best fit to be such a thing.  When this happens they call in PI (Paranormal Investigators) Ras and Yeats to help ‘relocate’ or exterminate the issue.

Some spirits just aren’t ready to pass on – much like Angus Heyer.  A extremely eccentric gentleman who has tracked Ras down for his help.  His request – buy a pocket watch that has green gems on the front no matter the cost!

This was a really unique, interesting, fun read.  Ras and Yeats are partners and best friends – through break ups, ghosts, and everything they stick together.  I loved the banter and the interaction between them as well between them and Aletheia (another eccentric ghost!) 

Things get sticky when another interested party decides they want the watch and are willing to do almost anything to get it away from Ras.  I don’t want to give away any details as it’s a fun read with lots of twists, turns and suspense!

Would I recommend this book?  Most definitely!  I loved Jennifer’s writing style and how well everything pulled together.  The characters were amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed the ghosts and how they interacted with the living.  Would I read more by this author?  Yes, I would love to read more by Jennifer!  I will be keeping an eye out for her books.


  1. Thanks so much for this great review! I still think ghosts are to be feared though, hehe. And I love the idea of the Ras and Yeats being partners with their good times and bad times. Guess it adds a lot of humor.

  2. Love a good buddy story...this sounds really fun!


  3. Thanks for the great review. I think I would like to read more by the author as well

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  4. This is on my list, I can't wait to read it.

  5. Very nice review.


  6. I can see all sorts of problems with having a ghost as a pet. It's all fun until someone loses an eye.



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