A Day in the Life of.....
Amy is an award-winning author who has written thirty romances for Harlequin Mills and Boon in both the Medical and RIVA/Presents lines. She wrote her first book at the age of twenty-two while unemployed and freezing her butt off in the UK, largely because it involved being able to stay in bed with her electric blanket. One twelve year apprenticeship later she finally got "the call".
To date she's sold over a million books and been translated into thirteen different languages. In 2010 she took out the sexy category in the prestigious Australian Romantic Book of the Year Award affectionately known as The Ruby.
She's recently launched a couple of separate writing ventures with the release of Sister Pact a contemporary women's fiction novel that she wrote with her sister Ros Baxter and was published by Harper Collins Australia as well as the very exciting release of her first category romance, Taming the Tycoon, with Entangled Publishing.
In what she euphemistically likes to call her spare time, Amy works part time as a paediatric intensive care nurse and was on the national executive for Romance Writers Of Australia for six years during which time she organised two national conferences and undertook a two year term as president.
She's been married for twenty-two years and has two teenagers who only admit to her being a writer when they have to explain to their friends why there's no food in the house when their mother is approaching a deadline. She lives on acreage on the outskirts of Brisbane with a gorgeous mountain view but secretly wishes it was the hillsides of Tuscany.
Contemporary love stories. Satisfaction guaranteed. www.amyandrews.com.au
Follow on Twitter @AmyAndrewsbooks
Innocent Til Proven Otherwise Harlequin Presents out in June 2012
How To Mend A Broken Heart HMB Medicals out in Aug 2012
Taming The Tycoon Entangled Publishing out in Aug 2012
I’ve been having a great time and a good chuckle reading back over some of the “Day In The Life Of” posts. And it seems my life is pretty much the same. Juggler extraordinaire throwing a million balls in the air – writer, mother, taxi driver, cook, washer woman, housekeeper, school volunteer, financial manager etc etc - and hoping they don’t all come tumbling down on my head.
Most days though I manage to get a decent word count down which is a miracle because despite all the above distractions my IPA (internet procrastination addiction) is alive and well. And I’ve just not long joined Twitter :-/ Nuff said!
So I’d like to talk about one of the rare days in a writer’s life – the kind of day that is glamorous and fun and you feel like a grown up. Instead of still in your pyjamas at school pick up time.
A “business” day.
By the time you read this I will have attended a glam party in Sydney. It’s a special party with a special invite because I am an author and once in a while, once or twice a year maybe, these days come along. And I intend to embrace them fully! This is how it will pan out.
Set alarm for 4 am – ugh! Only downer on an exciting day! I do not do mornings! Throw few things in a bag (because I NEVER pack until just before I go anywhere due to lack of clothes!!).
5 am – head for airport.
6.30 board flight to Sydney. During flight catch up on some journals and a blog or two. Or maybe read on my iPad – so many books to catch up on!
Arrive Sydney 9.30 (daylight saving time.) Find lovely cafĂ© to do some editing for a couple of hours in the CBD – do not do any more reading. Or go shopping!
12midday – meet Harper Collins editor for (hopefully) long, boozy lunch for which she will pay. Talk about two projects - hopefully come away wiser. With a capital P plan.
3pm check into hotel at Circular Quay – hope I have a view of the Sydney Opera House. Meet up with fabulous writer friend Robyn Grady who’s my roomie for the night. Write blog for The Naked Hero blog. Possibly nap because 4 am wake up is insane and long boozy lunch will be catching up on me!
6 pm – we’ll head to swanky launch of Harlequin Escape digital first publishing venture at Circular Quay. Catch up with authors, network with industry professionals. Drink more wine for which they’ll pay, laugh a lot, tweet like crazy, do not agree to 5 more books whilst under the influence.
Sometime later – leave with bunch of author friends to have coffee/nightcap/more wine.
Get back to hotel very late.
4am wake up call. Start process all over again. Fly back to Brisbane
11am – arrive home. Brush the glitter off my clothes. Back to the WIP.
Phew! Whirlwind but so worth it! And if you follow me on Twitter, you’ll even see the pics!
Sounds like a long, tiring but indeed glamorous day :) I hope I get to visit Australia one day! Seems like an amazing place to visit!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
♥Isalys / Book Soulmates
Thanks Isalys - I had a blast! :-)