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Gods & Goddess Week: Rosanna Leo

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Welcome to Gods & Goddess Week!

This entire week is dedicated to all those wonderful books that feature Gods & Goddesses as the main characters.  We have great interviews and some awesome giveaways through out the week so make sure to check back each day with Stitch Read Cook and Ramblings from this Chick for all the fun!

To kick things off we have the lovely ROSANNA LEO!


Rosanna Leo is a multi-published, erotic romance author with Liquid Silver Books. Her books include For the Love of a God, Up In Flames, Sweet Hell, The Selkie and her newest, Sunburn. When not writing, she can be found haunting dusty library stacks or planning her next star-crossed love affair.



Hello Rosanna!  Thank you for taking part in our Gods & Goddess Week!

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.

“The god of the sun has a dark side. Can one woman show him the light?”

What inspired you to write about Gods & Goddesses?

I have always adored mythology, in particular the Greeks. Who wouldn’t love that world of sex and magic and people who are too beautiful to be believed? It’s a world I loved imagining as a child, and I’ve often found myself wandering museums gazing at the gorgeous statues. For me, when I began my writing adventure, I automatically knew my first hero had to be a Greek god.

Quick & Easy

Day or Night?
I’m going to go on my own and say twilight…and not because of Edward.
Love at First Sight or Second Chances? Love at first sight.
Weres or Vamps? Right now, weres.
Paperbacks or Ebooks? EBOOKS, baby!
Past, Present or Future? Past.
Reading or Writing? Writing.
Coffee or Tea? Hello…!!! And make it a double.
Plotter or Panster? Both.
Reality or Fiction? Fiction.
Laptop or Desktop? Laptop…on my desk…haha!
Angel or Demon? Demon
Authors Choice:  Ask the readers something! Okay…if you could have intimate relations with any Greek god, who would it be and why?

Now, something for the characters..

What's a day in the life of Patience & Apollo consist of?

Patience: Oh gosh. Well, my days are really busy as a travel blogger. I’m up early, checking emails and travel reviews for new destinations. I’m making plans for my own reviews. My friends keep asking me to join them at the gym but who has time for that when I have two hundred emails to check? Oh, and I have to schedule at least a month’s worth of new blogs.

Apollo: Patience, sweetheart, take a minute, would you? You don’t have to do everything at once. Relax.
Patience: You know I’m not so good at relaxing.

Apollo: (his lips curved in a naughty smile) That’s where I come in.

If Hollywood optioned your story, who would you like to see play you?

Patience: Well, none of those skinny actresses. I’d prefer someone more …rounded.

Apollo: (his sparking blue eyes hooded with desire) Voluptuous. Buxom. Sensual.

Patience: (gazing back, smitten) I think my body is a bit like Christina Hendricks’ body.

Apollo: No way, baby. You put her to shame.

Patience O’Conner is a travel blogger who lives for her work. Her dedication to her readers brings her to the famed Helios Resort in Mexico, a locale that stuns her with its beauty but at which she suffers from some very strange accidents.

Luckily, hunky resort bartender Apollo Delos is always there in the nick of time, a malcontent guardian angel. Apollo stuns Patience again and again with his life-saving abilities, to say nothing of his smoldering looks and apparent desire to keep her alive.

Before long, Patience wonders if there is more to the sexy bartender than mixed cocktails and insane first-aid skills. Something strange is happening at Helios and Apollo doesn’t want to talk about it.

Can Patience open herself up to this enigmatic man, even though she is terrified to be vulnerable again? And can Apollo recover from an eternity of hurt and learn to trust once more? They must both decide before Death comes calling.


She approached the booth, only to find the blond bartender manning it. Her eyes almost popped and she blurted, “You!”

He grinned, but there was still a tightness around his eyes, as if he were sizing her up. “Hello, Patience.” His strained expression said volumes about what he considered to be the unsuitability of her name.

She tried to ignore the sucker punch in her gut, the one that hit her as soon as his deep, velvety voice caressed her eardrums. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the bar?”

His smile grew wider, showing off his perfect white teeth. “I’m everywhere.”

“Clearly.” She forced herself to look away from his gorgeous face, feeling light-headed because of the suns dancing in her eyes, the suns that seemed to come from him. To distract herself, she touched a few of the painted bowls on display. Not that it snuffed out those blasted suns.

He stepped closer. “Do you see anything you like?”

She choked on her saliva and coughed like a victim of the Black Death. He rushed to calm her, putting his hand on her back, massaging. She recovered upon feeling his touch and was hit by the bizarre, fleeting notion his touch made her recover. As if he’d healed her.

Utter nonsense. Yet as much as it was nonsense, her head swam with the bizarre possibility.

“Better?” he asked quietly, his face serious now.

She stared into the man’s eyes. They were blue, so very blue. “Uh, yeah, thanks.” Curiosity got the better of her and the question poured out. “What’s your name anyway?”

He breathed in. “Apollo Delos.”

“Oh, wow,” she said, breaking into a grin. “Just like Apolo Anton Ohno! I loved him on Dancing with the Stars!”

He got a curious look and let out a strange laugh. “Yeah. Just like him.”

Sunburn is available at

Also by Rosanna:

Conservator Maia Douglas is an expert on ancient Greece and its mythology. She would never tell anyone at the museum where she works, but she's always had a secret crush on the mythical Eryx, Greek god of love. There is nothing she loves more than to tend to her favorite statue of him, and her nighttime dreams are filled with luscious images of Eryx making love to her.

One day, the peace at Maia's beloved museum is shattered when a new director arrives. A man who looks exactly like her image of Eryx. As Maia watches, he manages to upset her ordered museum world, at the same time he inflames her with unwanted desire.

Maia does not know that her new boss is actually the god Eryx, disguised as a mortal so he may work in antiquities. Although he is the god of love, he has forsaken his sexual nature because of a curse that has killed any woman he's dared to love. Though he fights it, Eryx is drawn to Maia with a force he's never experienced in a thousand years. But can he convince her of his true identity? And can he protect her from a vengeful goddess who seeks her destruction?


The prize:  2 ebook copies of SUNBURN!
(One here and one at Ramblings from this Chick!)

Open internationally

To enter – just answer Rosanna’s question in the comments and fill out the Rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to go visit Danielle at Ramblings from this Chick to see the rest of Rosanna's interview!



  1. How about a half god? I could go for Hercules as played by Kevin Sorbo.

  2. Probably none of the above cuz they all seem to cheat on their wives quite a bit!

  3. Um.... how about.... Apollo, because today I could I could have used some of that Sun god heat!

  4. I'll take Hercules anytime and I'm thinking back many many years when Steve Reeves played him. Yum.... :)
    But please don't enter me for e-book because I can't read them on this computer.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com


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