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Romance Week: Elise Rome Interview & Giveaway!

Welcome to Romance Week!

Today I have the wonderful Elise Rome and Chrystal @ Snowdrop Dreams of Books has the equally amazing Stephanie Keyes!

Welcome Elise!

Elise Rome has never forgiven Margaret Mitchell for making her fall in love with Scarlett and Rhett in Gone with the Wind and then not giving them a happy ending. She likes to think that she makes up for this injustice with each romance novel she writes.

When she isn't telling stories about sexy, headstrong heroes and intelligent, independent heroines, Elise stays busy chasing after her two young daughters, semi-attempting to do housework, and hiking in the beautiful foothills of Colorado.

You can also find Elise at Peanut Butter on the Keyboard: Where mommy brains and writing collide

Hello Elise!  Thank you so much for participating in our 3rd annual Romance Week!

Thanks so much for having me!

- What drew you to writing Romance to begin with?

I’ve been a fan of the romance genre since I was a pre-teen, but I never thought I would be an author myself until one day a few years back when the idea for a book just wouldn’t go away. I was impressed I had one idea back then. Now I can’t seem to make them stop coming. =)

- If you could live anywhere in the world (or a place from a book) where would it be?

England! Lol. I imagine tons of historical romance fans would give the same answer. Not only does the history and visiting of places I’ve read about in books make it appealing, but, to be honest... it’s the accents. I love British accents. What can I say?

- Would you even write outside of Romance? If so, what genres?  If not, why not?

I’ve had an idea for a while for a mainstream commercial fiction book about prejudices and war and humanity (not that this narrows it down any for you ;) ), but until it feels right in my head, I’m going to continue letting it percolate. One day, though...

- If you were stranded on an island, what 5 books would you take with you?

ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins (my first YA, read recently, and LOVED)
GONE WITH THE WIND by Margaret Mitchell (I adore Rhett and Scarlett for their flawed characters)
SCARLETT by Alexandra Ripley (so I can have my HEA after GWTW)
any book by Julie Anne Long (I know this is kind of cheating with not giving a title and all, but I honestly CAN’T choose!)
THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett (because I’ve never read it, it has tons of great reviews, and I think I’d want something new to read, even if it was new just once)

Quick & Easy:

1.  Book or E-book?  Ebook. It’s so convenient.
2.  Day or Night?  Night. Just because that’s when I have peace and quiet. =)
3.  Coffee or Tea?  Coffee... although I recently quit once I found out I was pregnant.
4.  Plotter or Panster?  Wannabe plotter. =)
5.  Dark or Milk Chocolate?  Dark and decadent!
6.  Wallflower or Belle of the Ball?  Wallflower--we always notice so much more.
7.  Laptop or Desktop?  Laptop.
8.  Love at first sight or Second chances?  Second chances.
9.  Angel or Demon?  How about a flawed angel? =)
10.  Reality or Fiction?  Fiction. We need the escape!
11.  Author’s Choice - what do you want to ask the readers?  We’ve had a lot of reality TV shows and even fictional TV shows turned into romance stories (it seems like there have been a few that based stories off the concept of The Bachelor). What romance trope or romance story (could be a specific book/series) would you like to see turned into a TV show?

The Sinning Hour (Unmasked, #1)

A man accustomed to having whatever he wishes…

A year ago, the last thing portraitist Simon Astley expected was to become fascinated with his new housemaid. Although Miranda Post was no great beauty, he found his attraction for her continuing to grow until—rather than giving in to his wicked inclinations—he sent her away. No man could have regretted this momentary indulgence of conscience more.

A woman whose wishes have never come true…

Now a maid at London’s most exclusive gaming hell, Miranda has no time for either bitterness or the soothing of her bruised heart. She works hard and struggles to care for her dependent father, forbidding herself to dwell on either her dreams of the future or her memories of Simon.

At night all they need is one another…

Yet both her dreams and memories collide when Simon is commissioned to paint the portraits of the hell’s owners. Determined to right his mistakes, he offers to pay Miranda for the pleasure of painting her, too—but only in the privacy of his studio. She agrees to take his coin, even while knowing that every moment in his presence once again decimates her defenses…and threatens her heart


An ebook of THE SINNING HOUR by Elise Rome (open internationally; will be sent upon publication sometime in Spring 2013).

Along with an ebook (Amazon or B&N) of these three books (open internationally):
1) GUILTY PLEASURES by Laura Lee Guhrke (one of my all-time favorite historical romances)
2) THE ROGUE PIRATE’S BRIDE by Shana Galen (one of the BEST pirate romance ever, IMO)
3) A GENTLEMAN UNDONE by Cecilia Grant (a book I can’t stop gushing about)

Guilty PleasuresThe Rogue Pirate's BrideA Gentleman Undone

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Eliseee :D

    Hem... this is the hard question because I want all book can turn into movie but mostly I will disappointed because always far from my expectation, but I think I want to see one book and the book is (actually a teenager book)flipped by wendelin van draanen

    1. Hi Eli! =) You know, I didn't realize this, but this was a great way for me to get book recommendations. ;) I've never heard of FLIPPED! Will have to rectify that ASAP. =)

  2. I am scared of my favorite books being turned into tv shows. They'll ruin it, I think. I did enjoy Lost in Austen a lot though. :) And most of the Pride and Prejudice shows that I have watched are good...

    1. May, I had to finally get Lost in Austen to own for myself. <3 it so much! I'm going to assume that the movie would be a very good rendition of the book and say Julia Quinn's THE VISCOUNT WHO LOVED ME. I think that would be great as a movie. =)

  3. Thanks for the fun post! I'm such a fan of Elise :) Can't wait for this newest book :)

  4. I would love to see Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series turned into a mini-series. Maybe put on The Hallmark channel. Also Lisa Kleypas Hathaway or Wallflower series would be another good one. I am a historical romance lover. Maybe even Johanna Lindseys Malory series. Love the Malory's especially Derek and Jeremy.

    1. Hi Chris! Yes to both JQ and LK!!! Have to admit I, um, have never read Johanna Lindsey's books (I know, I know!), but I think I might need to change that. =)

    2. You must read Johanna's book Elise, really good book :)

  5. Karen Marie Monings Fever series and her Highlander series. Sabrina Jeffries The School for Heiress.

    1. Hi Z! I must be the only person left in romancelandia who hasn't read KMM's Fever series (although I do have the first book on my TBR list). I must read it in 2013!!!

  6. Hi Everyone! I'm running crazy with kids right now, but as soon as I get a chance I'll be back to comment. <3 you guys! =)

  7. Hey Sweet Cheeks!

    How are you doing?! Can't wait for your book, but it's your 'other' production that I wish you good health with ;D

    The answer to your question I don't even need to think about! Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER is what I've been waiting for over 20 years and I am sick and tiered of these reality shows!

    If I win, I'd love to have your book!


    1. Hi Mel! Thank you for the well wishes. =) I can use them all! I keep hearing about them turning OUTLANDER into a TV miniseries. Do you know if that's true or just rumor? I can understand it might be way too long for a movie, but I don't see why they couldn't split it into more than one if necessary. Now you've given me reason to wonder who they'd cast as Jamie... =)

  8. Julia Quinn's Bridgerton book series would make a great TV series. I would like to meet Lady Whistledown.

    1. Hi Michele! Lol. I guess Downton Abbey is on my mind, because as soon as I read your comment, I was thinking Dame Maggie Smith as Lady Whistledown. =)

    2. And then I just remembered who Lady Whistledown turns out to be in the series. *ahem* Guess I was thinking Lady Danbury. ;)

  9. Love the interview and would love to win...I really do not like most of the reality shows on TV these days. I do like Dancing with the stars but that is about it...thans for the giveaway, would love NOOK copies

    1. Hi LS! Glad you enjoyed the interview! I agree--I'd love to have some more stimulating TV shows. Besides Downton Abbey and Elementary, I don't really much watch of anything. Good luck with the giveaway!

  10. Welcome Elise. I've been waiting so long for your book and can't wait! To answer your amazing question: There are just so many books I love and so hard to choose from. I guess for me, I love 'Lord and Lady Spy' by Shana Galen~ sadly that book already equates to what we have as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I think I would choose 'The St. Croix Chronicles' by Karina Cooper, we need some more Steam Punk in our life and it'll be a great TV show. It has mystery, love, action, and adventure~ It's like CSI, The Mentalist, Castle, Victorian England, and Steam put together.

    1. Hi Ki Pha! I can't wait for this book to be out! It has been waaaay too long. =) Oooh... I haven't read The St. Croix Chronicles yet, but from what I've heard about it, that sounds great!

  11. Welcome Elise. I've been waiting so long for your book and can't wait! To answer your amazing question: There are just so many books I love and so hard to choose from. I guess for me, I love 'Lord and Lady Spy' by Shana Galen~ sadly that book already equates to what we have as Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I think I would choose 'The St. Croix Chronicles' by Karina Cooper, we need some more Steam Punk in our life and it'll be a great TV show. It has mystery, love, action, and adventure~ It's like CSI, The Mentalist, Castle, Victorian England, and Steam put together.

  12. I prefer to read than watch tv anytime; I can't think of a single romance book or story that I'd want to have turned into a tv show. Fantasy would be different tho, probably bcos my imagination isn't all that good! I loved watching The Hobbit (R.Armitage might have had something to do with it) & LOTR. If Anne McCaffrey's Pern series were made into a movie/tv show I'd watch that for sure.

    1. Hi Linda! I'm the same as you, but I'd be so thrilled if an author/book I loved could be shared with more people. Maybe that would help them read the real book (one can hope, at least). =) And I REALLY need to see The Hobbit. Never had a chance to over the holidays, but as soon as I heard that RA was in it, I knew I'd end up seeing it sooner or later. =)

  13. Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series would be awesome as a miniseries!!

  14. This is tough... hmm... I'd have to say that it would be Sabrina Jeffrie's Hellion's of Halstead Hall series. Love the mystery plot intertwined in all 5 books! I think this would be an awesome mini-series or possibly a tv-drama like Downton Abbey!

  15. I would love to see the Iron Fey series made into a movie. This would so awesome to see it live.

  16. Cindy Gerard's Black Ops Inc series! It has elements for everyone. Action, Romance, laughter, etc...

    AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

  17. I want Gargoyle to bacome a movie.

  18. I would love to see Eve & Roarke... but I kinda would want to cast people who are already in similarish positions...(think Castle)... also I would love to see the
    MacGregor family stories as a tv show. Plus I would like to see Cedar Cove... oh, haha.. YAY, going to happen already.
    Oh, and The Help was great... make sure to see the movie first, but the book is even better especially where the story line about her maid's daughter is concerned...

  19. I prefer that beloved stories not be turned into television. There are exceptions, the BBC tend to do a phenomenal job, but for the most part I fear they will become cheesy.

  20. I'd like to see the romance trope of the second chance at love - that's my favorite and I think it would be a great TV show, with lots of conflict until they worked out their differences and gave in to their feelings.

  21. I'd love to see Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series as a TV series.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  22. Either Sherrilyn Kenyon's or Christine Feehan's (Dark Series) books. I think it would be awesome with the right director.
    Lori lorih824 at yahoo dot com

    Oh Lora Leigh's shapeshifter series would be excellent too. :)

  23. There are so many good series out there and many I would like to see in movie or TV form. With the current interest in paranormal stories, Karen Marie Moning's two series would be perfect. I would love to see Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. I like time travel stories and there is nothing better than a Highlander.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  24. I didn't know Elise had a new book out - I'll have to look for it in print.


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