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A Day in the Life of… Tara Thompson

Welcome to Stitch Read Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of.....

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!

_JRL7175I am a married thirty-something with three awesome kids and a sweet, workaholic husband. We had two dogs but about the time I was feeling completely overwhelmed, they abandoned my chaotic house for doggie heaven (for their sakes, I hope no children are chasing them anymore). In my former life I attended Washington University in St. Louis and Columbia Business School in New York, and worked on Wall Street and Main Street before giving up on both. I thoroughly enjoyed my twenties and am quite content settling down to a much quieter life in Suburbia, USA. For me, writing is a much welcome respite from the reality of running to the bus stop, pediatrician, food store, gym, soccer games, tennis lessons, etc. etc etc.  I hope you've enjoyed reading Meltdown, or will soon!!!

Hello readers of Stitch Read Cook!

I could write about a typical ‘day in the life’... but I don’t seem to have many of those. So I think I will just write about today. And boy, was it a doozey.

6am Wake up and jot a few notes on the pad I keep next to me in bed. I had to look for it under a pile of laundry in need of folding, but I found it! And no- I don’t normally sleep next to laundry I should have already folded, but hubby is talking a golfing trip this week so I was feeling rather irritated and folding just wasn’t in the cards last night.

6:30 My oldest, Logan, comes in for a snuggle before heading downstairs to do whatever he does- Lego, computer, reading, etc before I can bring myself to get out of bed.

6:40 My youngest, Pierce, comes running in and hurls himself into the bed with me. We snuggle for a while before I convince him that it’s time to go downstairs and eat breakfast.

6:50 My middle, Chloe, comes running into my room and hurls herself into bed before Pierce and I get out. Somehow we don’t knock over any of the laundry. Blissful cuddles.

6:52 Bliss is officially over. They start to fight and I decide that heavy doses of coffee and Disney Junior are needed. Immediately.

6:53-7:53 Make breakfast for the kids and coffee for me, pack lunches and pile everyone into the car. Apparently Pierce will be making it a pajama day... ummm, yes... again. But if anyone can stay in their pajamas all day, it should be a three year old, right?

7:55 Drop off Logan at his school.

8:00 Pick up Chloe’s friend.

8:05 Drop Chloe and friend off at their school.

8:15 Drop off Pierce. Also, give thanks that I found the greatest school in the world for him. It’s a school, not a daycare, but they are open from 8-6 because they believe in teaching a child over the course of a full day, not in just 2-3 hour increments. Leave school happy, and wishing they offered on-site condos so I could live there too.

8:30 Back at home, I watch Matt Lauer while making another cup of coffee before reluctantly turning him off. Give the now blank TV a longing glance (sorry Matt- I’ll see you again tomorrow!!!) and head upstairs with my drug... em... coffee and crawl back into bed with my computer. Occasionally my laundry taunts me and mutters rude comments but I ignore it anyway and write for a bit.

10:30 Head to the gym for a session with an MMA fighter to kill myself trying to learn muay thai boxing. Love, love, love it! A truly fun, intense workout. After an hour I can’t breath and lying on the matt seems like a much more preferable option than standing up anymore, but I feel great. Besides- breathing is overrated, right?

11:30 Race home for a quick shower. On the way I schedule minor surgery for Pierce and it hits me that my little guy will be going under general anesthesia and getting cut open. Try not to cry while driving. Get dressed, ignore both my computer and laundry as I rush out the door in search of a warm coat. It is March and my longest coat’s zipper decided to stop zipping, but my shorter ones are still too cold to wear to the bus stop. I never quite realized that a butt-covering coat was the only acceptable option for winter bus-stop attire. But it totally is.

12:30 Try on the only three warm coats left in Lord & Taylor that are my size. Not wild about any of them, but buy one anyway. While on line, I exchange emails with my lawyer. We will be moving from New York to Connecticut next month and she needs paperwork from me to coordinate the sale of our home.

1:00 Decide to go to a ski shop a few blocks away. Find a coat I like better and buy it.

1:30 Head back to Lord & Taylor to return the first coat purchase.

2:00 Debate between making a salad and microwaving leftover pizza. Pizza wins.

2:30 Pick up Chloe and a friend at the bus stop.

2:45 Walk down to Logan’s school to pick him up.

3:00 Give the kids a snack and let them play outside. It’s cold but they don’t seem to care.

3:10 Earth shattering screeching!!! Chloe fell off the swing set and is screaming that her arm is broken. And yes, it’s the same one she broke less than two years ago falling off another swing set.

3:11 Quickly drop off the friend and race to the Emergency Room with Logan and Chloe. Try not to cry while driving. Talk with doctors and nurses about Chloe. Feed Logan one of the five granola bars I keep in my purse for times like these. Try to keep him occupied while consoling Chloe and preventing the complete battery drain of my iPhone. Figure out who can pick up Pierce from his school. (My awesome sister-in-law!) X-rays, several of which required positions Chloe was not too happy about. Putting her small little arm in a splint.

6:00 Leave the hospital. Chloe didn’t break her arm... at least they don’t think she did. Will have to take her to a pediatric orthopedist this week. Apparently, sometime young kids fracture their bones along growth plates and she needs to be evaluated by a specialist.

6:30 McDonalds. Yes- I hate the place but during Chloe’s crying she requested a post-hospital happy meal (I’m lucky she didn’t ask for a pony because I would have agreed to that too) and she munches on processed chicken way too happily.

7-8 Head to my parents house to pick up Pierce and stay for dinner. Chloe has a cupcake. It’s a stellar nutritional day for her, but she smiles as she licks the frosting off the top and it makes my happy.

8 Sit in the car while they watch a few extra minutes of a DVD before it turns off automatically. I skim through emails and facebook while the kids are mesmerized and still strapped down.

8:10-8:30 Pajamas, teeth brushing and lullabies. And more Motrin for Chloe. And car-hunting for Pierce. And yet another promise that I will write a note to Logan’s teacher explaining why he didn’t do his homework. And about a dozen other ‘last requests’ before there is sleepy silence from all three.

8:30 Back in bed, computer on my lap, sitting next to the laundry pile that has somehow grown since this morning. If I can keep my eyes open for more than an hour, it might be a minor miracle! Hope you enjoyed reading about my day... and I’m so glad it’s over!!!!!



NYSSA, internationally renown supermodel, is accustomed to turning heads.  As a young girl, her flawless face attracted the wrong kind of attention.  She escaped an abusive father and successfully navigated life’s seedy underbelly to become a runway renegade, although not without leaving her share of enemies behind.  Lately she’s caught the eye of…

STEVE, handsome hometown hero and soon-to-be Governor of Texas. Unfortunately he’s already married. As Steve publicly dumps his perfect, former Miss Texas wife for Hollywood’s latest ‘It’ girl, his state faces the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Will he be able to turn things around, or is he too embroiled in his political sex scandal? His good friend and business partner….

DEMETRI, sexy hedge fund manager, is at the top of his professional game and tries to save his friend from near financial ruin. Yet he’s distracted by Steve’s new girlfriend, who just happens to be Demetri’s old flame. Years ago, Nyssa ran from him and he’s never forgotten her. But why is he still interested? Demetri’s dating….

AISLINN, a woman as brilliant as she is beautiful. Enjoying all the perks of having a billionaire boyfriend, she’s falling fast for Demetri and has no idea that she might be the one getting played. Although she bets big on Wall Street, the largest casino in the world, nothing is more risky than giving her heart away.

Trouble is brewing in this fun, juicy, glamorous novel.

Can a MELTDOWN be avoided?

Here are direct links to purchase or sample Meltdown: Amazon ~ Barnes and Noble


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