Title: Sand Castle Bay
Author: Sherryl Woods
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 384
Published: March 2013
Publisher: Harlequin
Source: Publisher
Buy Links: Amazon
Synopsis:In a trade-off she's lived to regret, Emily Castle left home years ago to become an interior designer. The youngest of three sisters, Emily desperately wanted to prove herself. Success, though, came at the cost of leaving behind the man she loved.
For Boone Dorsett, losing Emily left his heart shattered, but another woman was waiting in the wings. Now a widower with a young son, Boone has a second chance with Emily when a storm brings her home. But with his former in-laws threatening a custody suit, the stakes of loving her are higher than ever.
Will fate once again separate them—or is the time finally right for these two star-crossed lovers?
Emily left home as soon as she was able to, leaving behind high school sweetheart Boone. Leaving her love behind, she ventures out to follow her dreams. Now, a well known highly sought after designer; she’s returned to her home town to help out her grandmother.
When a hurricane tears through the sea side town, Boone lends a hand to family friends the Castles. When he finds out that Emily and her sisters have returned to give a hand he’s not sure what to think or feel. The woman that broke his heart is back, can he handle it?
Life hasn’t been easy for Boone, after the loss of his wife; he’s now worried about losing his son to his in-laws. I felt for him and BJ who would be dragged through all the nastiness involved in his grandparents trying to take him away.
Despite all the years that have passed, both Emily and Boone still have feelings for one another and can’t get past them. So they decide to try things again – which I thought was great! But, with that comes a lot of issues. Can they work through them and not upset everyone around them?
Would I recommend this book? It was a great read. The characters were wonderful and it was great reading how Emily and Boone work through things. I’m curious what will happen with her sisters and grandmother in the up coming books. Would I read more by this author? Yes. I really enjoyed Sherryl’s writing style. I think she will easily be an author I’ll have permanently on my bookcase.
SW is one of my favorite authors to read during the summer time and on the patio with a glass of tea. What a great review!