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A Day in the Life of… Lorraine Heath

Welcome to Stitch Read Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of.....

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!

Lorraine Heath has always had a soft spot for emotional love stories. No doubt because growing up, watching movies with her mom, she was taught that the best movies "won't half make you cry."
She is the daughter of a British beauty (her mom won second place in a beauty contest sponsored by Max Factor® during which she received a kiss from Caesar Romero--Joker on the original Batman TV series) and a Texan who was stationed at Bovingdon while serving in the air force. Lorraine was born in Watford, Hertfordshire, England, but soon after moved to Texas. Her "dual" nationality has given her a love for all things British and Texan, and she enjoys weaving both heritages through her stories.

When she received her BA degree in psychology from the University of Texas, she had no idea she had gained a foundation that would help her to create believable characters—characters that are often described as “real people.” Her novels have appeared on bestseller lists, including USA Today, Waldenbooks, and most recently, the New York Times.

She also writes for teens under the name Rachel Hawthorne and Jade Parker.

A Day in the Life of Lorraine Heath

clip_image002 I tend to roll out of bed between 8 and 8:30 and begin my morning with a cup of green tea while I access Words with Friends and catch up on the plays waiting for me. Thank goodness for friends on the east coast who are up earlier than I am and writer friends who are at their keyboards late into the night.

I make short work of laying down high scoring words—ah, the things you can do with an X on a triple letter spot. I check my email for anything that needs an immediate response. Around 9:30 I get a reminder text from my personal trainer, William. Time to go for a walk through the neighbourhood.


In his lovely British accent, William encourages me when I reach one mile. Two miles later I am back at home and William recites my statistics. He is very precise. He is, after all, an app on my smart phone.





Greeting me when I walk through door, the girls wonder why I didn’t take them along—they’re constant exploration and watering of every shrub slows down my cardiovascular workout. In addition, unfortunately, they are both aged (We adopt older dogs; the one in the lower half of the picture is a Katrina survivor.) and struggle to make it around the block. I give them a treat to make it up to them for leaving them behind.

I quickly check email. Nothing pressing. I hop into the shower, then get dressed for work. Comfy sweats that have seen better days but mold to my body. I know I need to sit down to write but it’s lunch time. Hubby has grilled up cheese, tomato, and avocado sandwiches so I indulge and take time to watch a little TV with him. Hubby and I part ways—he heads up to his man-cave and I go into my office.

Time to write—but must first check Words With Friends. Make brilliant plays! Addison Fox, Alexandra Hawkins, and Liliana Hart are sure to curse me soundly as I rub hands and release evil chuckle.

Catch up on email and two hours later, time again for a round of WWF. I realize Addison, Alexandra, and Liliana are not be trifled with. Writers take their games seriously. Determining word placement for maximum points is tiring. I decide I need a 20-minute nap to regain my energy.

Two hours later, I’m back at computer. Put on storm CD and open file of current Work in Progress. Begin reading it to get back into characters and story. Edit as I go. Change here, change there. Reach end of file. Where do I take the story now?

clip_image008Glance at clock. Close enough to adult beverage time. Besides, hubby is back downstairs preparing dinner. Enjoy dinner with hubby. Watch a little TV, do a little reading. Around 10, I return to my office. Time to get serious about the WIP. Turn the lights down low, put the rolling thunder in the mountains CD back on, and dive in. Love these characters. Just hope I can do their story justice.

When I finally look up, it’s nearly 2 A.M. Check email. Play WWF. Power down computer and shuffle off to bed. Snuggle down, drifting off...

Amazing line of dialogue waltzes through my mind. Slip out of bed, pad to office, power up computer, and once again become lost in the world of my characters.

Lord of Wicked Intentions (The Lost Lords of Pembrook, #3)

COMING APRIL 29th, 2013

Lord Rafe Eason may be of noble blood, but survival taught him to rely only on himself and to love no one. Yet when he sets his eyes on Miss Evelyn Chambers, and earl's illegitimate daughter, he is determined to have her, if only as his mistress.

After her father's death, Evelyn Chambers never imagined she would be sold to the highest bidder, yet circumstances give her little choice except to accept the lord's indecent proposal. Rafe is wealthy, as well as ruthless. Yet his coldness belies deep passion and deeper secrets. If she must be his, Evelyn intends to lay bare everything the Lord of Pembrook is hiding. But dark discoveries threaten to destroy them both until unexpected love guides the last lost lord home.


One lucky commenter is going to win a SIGNED copy of She Tempts the Duke & Lord of Temptation (first two books in the Lost Lords of Pembrook series)

To enter – leave a comment or question for Lorraine!

Must be 18 or older.  Open Internationally!

Ends Tuesday April 23rd, 2013

Don’t forget to leave your email address, so we can contact you!

example:  emailaddress (at) gmail (dot) com


  1. Sounds like a busy day. I love the clock.

    1. I purchased the clock here -

      Have really enjoyed having it in my office except when it hits the "Writer's Block" hour.

  2. Hi Lorraine,

    you really have a busy day. Your dogs are cute.

  3. I agree , the clock is great. Love that you have an app named William with a British accent. Maybe that's what I need to get my butt moving , but with a Scottish accent. lol
    Love your books though Lorraine. So thanks for many hours of reading enjyment.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Carol: Thank you so much!

      Unfortunately, even with William's lovely accent, I do sometimes ignore him even though I know I need to be walking.

  4. Hmm...this sounds an awful lot like my day. Also, it's your turn. Triple Word Score.

    1. I saw that! You're stomping all over me during this latest game. But be forewarned--it's not over until it's over.

  5. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Lord of Wicked Intentions! This series has been utterly delectable reading! Your writing is always so lovely.
    P.S. Waking Up With the Duke is, without a doubt, one of my all time favorite Historical romances! Ainsley...Sigh....

    shieldsie (at) hotmail (dot) com

    1. Thank you so much. I've really enjoyed writing the Lost Lords of Pembrook. Oh, and I loved Ainsley from the moment he walked on the page in his brother's story.

  6. Your day sounds lovely! Now that The next book is coming out...have to re-read the first two so I am "caught up" and can move seamlessly into the new one! Thanks for the heads up!!! :-)

  7. Hi Lorraine

    I am a relatively new reader of your work. I love historical romances, and read a good review for LORD OF TEMPTATION and decided to give it a try. I was hooked! I devoured SHE TEMPTS THE DUKE, and am anxiously awaiting LORD OF WICKED INTENTIONS. Can't wait!!

    I was very pleased to see that many of your titles are available on Nook at rediced prices. Since I'm on a budget, this means I can try a new series (I love series!) for the price of one regular book. I've decided to try the English Rogues in Texas series; I want to do one more, but I can't make up my mind!

    I work in Emergency Service; at the end of the day, retreating to 'Happily Ever After' -- while enjoying an Adult Beverage, of course! -- is just what the doctor ordered! Thank You, so much, for providing me with such an enjoyable venue to escape, and recharge.

    1. Donna: Thank you so much! From what I understand, the special pricing ends April 23. If you're a fan of Dickens or Oliver Twist, then you might enjoy The Scoundrels of St. James. If you like brothers, then you might like London's Greatest Lovers. If you enjoy stories set in Texas (and you might since you're trying the English Rogues in Texas series), then you might like TX Destiny, TX Glory, TX Splendor. But you're right - so many to choose from!

  8. The dogs are adorable! Love the writer's clock and William, the walking app :-) I can't wait to see you in Houston and read your upcoming release!


    1. Brandie: Thank you! Am so looking forward to my short time in Houston. See you there!

  9. I've long held the suspicion that you have 36 hours in your day and we mere mortals only have 24. I think you pretty much confirmed it!! And since I get beat by my son on a regular basis on Word Feud, am so glad I'm not playing with you. Now, don't you have writing to do??

    P.S. So looking forward to reading LORD OF WICKED INTENTIONS

    1. Suz: You are no mere mortal. I get emails from you at odd hours of the night when I'm up working. And with all the books you've been releasing, I know you're spinning 36 hours out of 24. See you in a few days at the Romance Bandits.

  10. The books sound good and I'd love to win them. It's nice to get a glimpse into someone else's schedule. The writer's clock sure is different than a regular one.


  11. Love you day's activities, Lorraine! Also love your writer's clock! What a hoot! :)

    I buy everything you write (okay, not shopping lists), so no need to enter me. I already have the new book reserved!

    Nancy Haddock

  12. Thank you, Nancy. You are such a sweetie! Looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta in July.

  13. I loved the little peek into your day Lorraine, it looks like you stop for a bit of fun during the work day. I take a few minutes here and there at work to visit with friends or sit down and talk to my boss during the day. It makes the day go by faster and gives me a little break in the work, which we all need. I've just started using an app to walk with too, it's kind of fun to have that voice break into my music and tell me how I'm doing. :D

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  14. Wow! I thought my day was busy with 6 kids and homeschooling but I see your day is crazy busy as well :)
    Just wanted to say that your books are awesome! I really enjoy reading them.
    Thanks so much for sharing...

    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

  15. You know, I might walk more if I had a guy with a great accent encouraging me... I love your books and always love the beautiful cover art they come with.

  16. Hi Lorraine,

    I am actually reading Lord of Temptation now. I would love a signed copy for my keeper shelf. I am fairly new to words with friends and am being challenged by a friend with 20+ years of scrabble playing history. She generally kicks my butt, but I'm getting better.

    Bonnie (bonnieblue at wowway dot com)

  17. LORD OF WICKED INTENTIONS looks incredible. I can see myself wearing that gown while I do the grocery shop.

    The clock is fabulous.


  18. That sounds remarkably close to the way I approach work. :-D Well, it would be if I wasn't on a fixed schedule, anyway.

    AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

  19. Congrats Lorraine on the newest release! LOL... glad to know that I'm not the only one who has WWF worked several times into the day :) Love that game!

  20. Sound like you have fun playing WWF.

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com


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