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Book Tour: A Little Bit Sinful by Robyn DeHart



I’m one of those writers who always knew that she wanted to be a writer. It took me a while, however, to figure out precisely what I wanted to write. Reading Kathleen Woodiwiss’ ”A Rose in Winter” sealed the deal for me and I’ve been reading and writing romance ever since. I should have known I was destined for this when my Barbies insisted on hosting elaborate masquerade parties, complete with stolen kisses in the moonlight.

I’m the youngest of three children, so of course I’m the favorite. I was raised in central Texas, in the beautiful Hill Country, right smack-dab between Austin and San Antonio. My parents were high school sweethearts and married a week after my mother graduated – they both needed their parents’ permission to marry since they were so young. So I blame them and their amazing marriage for the fact that I’m a hopeless romantic.

Somewhere along the line, I graduated from college with a degree in Sociology, only after completing an internship with none other than award-winning best-selling author, Pamela Morsi. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life and I learned more about the writing business than I could have hoped.

After college I worked a myriad of jobs: Computer Software Trainer, Recruiter, Administrative Assistant. But no matter what my day job, I come home to my real job and click, click, click away on my computer and get lost in my imaginary world where justice always prevails and the girl always gets her guy! It’s the coolest job in the world.

I’m married to the most amazingly supportive man. He’s so proud of my career, and loves to tell people, “My wife is a romance novelist.” We live in the Austin area, where my husband is a university professor. He’s ridiculously smart, but remains goofy enough to make me laugh every day. We’re the parents of two beautiful and precocious little girls who keep me quite busy during the day. We also have two very spoiled cats who are of no help at all when it comes to my writing, although they sometimes nap in the same room where I sit diligently working.

I’ve published seven historicals, all of which have received great reviews and a handful of them have won awards. I love to hear from readers,

so feel free to send me an email or you can find me online at The Sisterhood of the Jaunty Quills, or, Peanut Butter on the Keyboard, my newest blogging endeavor that’s all about writing moms or moms who write. You can also find me on my Facebook or my Facebook Author page and on Twitter. I’m everywhere!

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Guest Post

I was asked for this guest blog to write about the best day in the life of an author.

Here’s how things would go:

I wake up to warm sunshine on my face in my sparkling clean bedroom. My sweet husband is already up and has taken our two sweet little girls downstairs for breakfast. I get myself ready while my beautiful cats purr sweetly on my bed. I head downstairs for my own breakfast and am greeted by my loving family who is so happy to see me. Professor husband leaves for work, then the girls play nicely together while I get my pages done. Then I play with the kiddos, we have lunch, they’re off for naptime, I have time to catch up on some reading, email, blogs, etc. while they’re sleeping. Well, you get the picture….

Here’s how it actually goes:

I wake up to the bellowing of the 2 year old down the hall. “MOMMY!” she yells at the top of her lungs. My husband growls and asks, “isn’t it your morning?” I stumble into the bathroom, put my contacts in while the 2 year old continues her heckles. I trip of two whining cats begging for morning treats, and step on something hard. Upon further inspection I realize it is a Barbie shoe. Deep breaths, and then I head off to the screamer’s room. She smiles sweetly when I enter and says, “hi Mommy. It’s morning time.” Her little hand points to the sunshine streaming in from her window. Change her diaper, peek at her sister who is hiding under her covers (why is this a fun game? I do not know). So now the three of us go downstairs, we have breakfast, get dressed, all that jazz. Professor husband is running late, I help make his lunch and send him on his way. I try to negotiate with children to play nicely so I can get some writing done. But little one isn’t playing nice and big one doesn’t want to share and waaaa! Clean up the toys, try again with new stuff, same old thing. I give up writing until naptime. And well, you get the picture here too….

Lest you think I’m complaining, I’m not. In a perfect world I’d have time to do everything on my list, but probably like many of you, I have to pick and choose which is why laundry is mounting in my bedroom at the moment. While life is messy and stressful, it is full of blessings and I wouldn’t change a thing. So my perfect day as an author is one where I get to wake up and spend some time in the worlds I create and that’s good enough for me.

Thanks for having me today.

clip_image002[27]Title: A Little Bit Sinful (Forbidden Love Series)
Author: Robyn DeHart
Genre: Historical Romance
Length: 204 pages
Release Date: March 2013
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-62266-093-3
Imprint: Scandalous

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Justin Rodale is the wealthy bastard son of the Duke of Chanceworth. He owns the most lucrative and luxurious gaming establishment and caters to London’s elite. Educated with the rest of the aristocrats, he knows all the rules by which Society lives, but he is beholden to no one.

Clarissa Kincaid has been raised to be the perfect English lady. She knows precisely the sort of match she should make and she’s fairly certain she’s found that with a respectable gentleman. But the man won’t commit and she finds herself seeking assistance in the form of seduction lessons from Justin.

This is a challenge the charming Justin can not resist. She may think that he knows nothing about her needs, but he’s determined to show her that he knows plenty about her secret desires. He has no intention of publicly ruining the girl, but he’s determined to privately tempt her into some slightly sinful behavior.


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  1. Love your heros and heroines! And yes, I dream of perfect days too, never happens!

  2. Thanks, Sheila, that means a lot. I work hard on trying to craft characters that readers can relate to.

  3. Ha! Your average day sounds like mine!

  4. Your day sounds like mine except I have boys. I'd take Barbie's shoes over a five day old banana at the bottom of a school bag. A Little Bit Sinful sounds awesome, Robyn and I can't wait to read it.


  5. Glad I'm not alone, Jennifer and Michelle.

    thanks, Hayson, I have yours on my kindle too waiting for a little break so I can devour it!

  6. I love reading about a day in the life of an author, it's always so not what your would imagine an author's life to be. And it's always a lot of fun to see what they handle in a day and yet are still able to produce such wonderful stories.

  7. Ooh, Robin, what a beautiful cover!

    Wait til the kiddies know they can come into your room to wake you instead of yelling. I can't tell you how many times I've jumped awake because a youngster has touched my leg.

  8. Love historical romance and these books sound great, would love to read.
    Thank you for the chance.

  9. Thanks, Barbara! I wish my life were more exciting to read about, then again, I'm just a regular ol' person. :-)

    Abigail, I know you're right about that one. We're holding off on putting our littlest one in a toddler bed for that very reason. I think the cover is beautiful too!

    Historical romance rocks!

  10. Congratulations on the new book. I read a lot of historical romances, but I don't think I've read your books yet. Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. Sounds like a busy day


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