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Book Promo: The Law of Attraction by N M Silber

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Once upon a time ... N.M. Silber was a criminal defense attorney who got up each morning, donned her power suit and sensible pumps, downed a gallon of coffee and set out to "fight the good fight" while trying to not go insane. Having a dark sense of humor and a sarcastic wit helped -- a lot. Another thing that helped was reading. As escapism was the goal, she liked to read romance novels, especially really funny ones and really sexy ones. Then one day something beautiful happened -- she read one that was both funny and sexy at the same time. She hung up her power suit, put away her sensible pumps and moved her coffee mug to her computer. Now she writes funny and smutty romance novels herself and she lives happily ever after.

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The Inspiration Behind The Law of Attraction

Before I wrote funny sexy romance novels about lawyers I was a lawyer myself. Just like my heroine, Gabrielle, I was a public defender. It’s not always easy to be a public defender. Let’s just say that they don’t command the respect, (or the salary), that they deserve. They do an important job and the criminal justice system wouldn’t work without them but often by the end of the day they feel like they been run over by a Mack Truck and dragged for a few miles. There’s a spirit of camaraderie, though, that probably hasn’t been seen since soldiers fought together in the trenches during World War One. There’s also a lot of humor among public defenders – usually of the rather cynical, sarcastic, and frankly, dark variety.

While many of the cases I handled were very serious, and more than a few were heartbreaking, there were also plenty of really wacky ones. It was the wacky ones, the ones that we laughed about later, that kept us sane. I always said I was going to write a book someday, but I never thought it would be a romance novel! I would have never imagined these goofballs who I used to represent being a part of somebody’s love story but that’s exactly what happened. I wrote a love story about two lawyers trying to hold it together in a crazy legal system, and as a result, several colorful personalities from the past are now memorialized forever in print.

Title: The Law of Attraction
Author: N.M. Silber
Genre: Sexy Romantic Comedy/Light Adult Contemporary Romance (18+)
Publication Date: July 23, 2013
Cover Design: Cheekycovers
Publisher: Mendelssohn Levy Publishing
Event organized by: Literati Author Services


Once upon a time two lawyers fell in love across a courtroom …
Gabrielle Ginsberg was a public defender with plenty of nerve and Braden Pierce was an assistant district attorney with a whole lot of swagger. Gabrielle wanted Braden and Braden wanted Gabrielle.
And Cameron wanted Gabrielle.
And Marla wanted Braden.
And Cole wanted Gabrielle.
And Mrs. Mason wanted Braden.
And an anonymous letter writer wanted to keep Gabrielle and Braden apart.
Together Gabrielle and Braden discovered many important things, like which doors at the courthouse actually locked, and that desks could be useful for more than writing. They also found out that the path of love was not always smooth, and it was sometimes trod upon by some really wacky people, like a confused fanny grabber, an eighty-two year old pothead and a gentleman who threw a wine and cheese party in his pants. Could true love overcome a lack of privacy, interference by jealous rivals and the insanity of the criminal court system?

NOTICE: This book contains explicit descriptions of sexual situations and mature language. It is intended for readers over the age of eighteen.


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One Winner will receive a Kindle Paperwhite and a second winner will receive a signed paperback of The Law of Attraction.

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