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A Day in the Life of..

Welcome to Stitch Read Cook's weekly feature!!

A Day in the Life of.....

This is where us bloggers & fans get a glimpse inside the days of our favorite authors!



One day, on her way home from work as a sales manager, A. M. Hargrove, realized her life was on fast forward and if she didn't do something soon, it would quickly be too late to write that work of fiction she had been dreaming of her whole life.  So, she rolled down the passenger window of her fabulous (not) company car and tossed out her leather briefcase.  Luckily, the pedestrian in the direct line of fire was a dodge ball pro and had ĂĽber quick reflexes enabling him to avoid getting bashed in the head.  Feeling a tad guilty about the near miss, A. M. made a speedy turn down a deserted side street before tossing her crummy, outdated piece-of-you-know-what laptop out the window.  She breathed a liberating sigh of relief, picked up her cell phone, called her boss and quit her job.  Grinning, she made another call to her hubs and told him of her new adventure (after making sure his heart was beating properly again).

So began A. M. Hargrove's career as a YA/NA and Adult Romance writer. Her books include the following: Edge of Disaster, Shattered Edge and Kissing Fire (The Edge Series); The Guardians of Vesturon series (Survival, Resurrection, Determinant, reEmergent and Beginnings); Dark Waltz and Tragically Flawed.

Other than being in love with writing about being in love, she loves chocolate, ice cream and coffee and is positive they should be added as part of the USDA food groups.

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A Day In The Life Of…

Six thirty a.m. and the music starts blaring. “Why do you have it so loud?” my husband asks.

“For the same reason it’s been loud for all these years,” I grumble. “It wakes me up.” I moan and force myself to turn it off. Then I pull on my comfy clothes that I will later run in and head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Soon the coffee is brewing and I’m smiling because not long after, my cup’s filled and I’m going through emails.

After my mail is taken care of, I hop on Facebook and Twitter and catch up with friends and then it’s on to writing. I have to limit myself on social media because I swear I can stay there all day. Once the coffee is finished, I whip up a protein smoothie, down it and start to write. After a couple of hours, it’s time for my run. I put on my music and head to the woods at the end of my street for my solitude.

After about an hour, I’m heading home and cooling down. Shower time and errands are the usual things that come after lunch. When those are done, I’m back on my notebook writing.

It’s a bit more complicated than all that, but most of it entails working my current book and jotting down ideas that pop into my head. So that’s my usual schedule. But last week, that veered off in another direction. I’m preparing for a release on September 25, and my formatter sent me back my files for the print version. When I went to upload the darn thing it was completely wonky.

After trying to fix it for nine hours, I gave up. Now, mind you, I’ve formatted five books, so I’m not a complete novice at this. My formatter lives in Australia, so the time change was getting in the way too. She couldn’t understand what had happened because she never had that issue come up before either. To make a crazy and complicated story short, she fixed it all up, but it was a tense few days for both of us. It destroyed my routine, and I guess that shows you, in this business, you always have to be prepared for the unexpected.

When I first started doing this, I never imagined all the different hats I’d have to wear. I knew I’d be involved with social media, but I also have to keep up with my website, write blog posts, create posters (which I enlist some very talented blogger friends to help me on this), write newsletters, participate in blog tours for my books, learn how to format a book, and I’ve even done a few of my own book covers. That doesn’t cover half of it either. So I suppose there really isn’t a typical day because right when I think there is, a wrench gets thrown into the mix and disrupts everything. But isn’t that what keeps life interesting?


Riviera Benson has a she discovered by accident. She’s a painter, but canvas isn’t her medium. She creates her lovely masterpieces on walls and ceilings of million dollar homes as murals and faux finishes. Her art is in high demand now, but life wasn’t always that way. Riviera has secrets from her past she intends to keep tightly locked away...terrifying secrets that keep her awake at night...that prevent her from getting close to anyone...anyone that is, until she meets Shan.

Benjamin Shandon, owner of Shandon Homes, works like a thousand demons are chasing him...because perhaps they are. His business has boomed, ever since the forest fire swept through the canyon and destroyed hundreds of million dollar homes. He demands excellence in everything...from his employees to his women. He slows down for nothing, keeping a schedule that no sane person would want. But Riviera interrupts everything, twisting his guts inside out, and wedging her way into his heart, destroying a promise he made to himself.

Will they let their pasts control their future, or will they decide to let go and allow their hearts to discover each other’s?

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