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Blog Tour: The Viscount’s Vow by Collette Cameron

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MEDIA KIT Collette Cameron

A life-long Oregonian, Collette Cameron was born and raised in a small town along the northern Oregon coast. Today she makes her home in a rural community, 30 minutes west of Portland. Her Victorian farmhouse sits on a one-acre certified wildlife habit, interspersed with a plethora of gardens: English, rose, butterfly, rock, water, and of course, vegetable.

A voracious reader of romance since her teens, she even named her daughter after a heroine in her favorite romance novel. An enthusiast of times gone by, and anything related to romance, she writes Historical Romance, with a dash of inspiration, a pinch of humor, and a liberal portion of suspense.

Having dabbled in interior decorating in her youth, Collette returned to school, graduating summa cum laude from Oregon State University, and went on to obtain her Master's Degree in Teaching. She is member of Romance Writers of America, Rose City Romance Writers, The Beau Monde, and Love Faith and Hope, Inc., and a whole slew of other author/writer groups.

Some of Collette's favorite things include unique blends of coffees and teas, trivia, Cadbury Milk Chocolate, inspirational quotes, and scented candles. Her Christian faith, husband, three adult children, and five miniature dachshunds round out her life quite nicely! When she's not teaching or writing, she enjoys amateur photography, bird watching, gardening, interior decorating, rock-hunting, boating or fishing on the Columbia River, and reading of course.

To connect with Collette, please visit or

My Typical Writing Day-Sort Of

I’d love to be able to tell you I have a regular writing routine…and I do. Sort of.

Ideally, I’m out of bed by 5:30, and after doing a few chores and working out—oh, and drinking a couple cups of coffee flavored with crème brulee creamer (yummy!)—I’ll get dressed and make myself presentable. Or not. Some days I do stay in my jammie pants and wear my glasses all day instead of putting in my contact lenses. Hey, only the hubby and the dachshunds are around to see me, and after thirty years, I don’t think hubby really “sees” me anymore.

Anyway, I digress.

With all those other things out of the way, I try to be at my computer by 8:00 or 8:30. I converted one of my adult son’s bedrooms into a shabby chic writing room. I have a fabulous view of my backyard and it’s a perfect environment for me to write.

10_28 Writing Room

I check emails, blogs, and other social media, and yes, sometimes Pinterest. That way I can concentrate on writing for a nice long stretch—which usually gets interrupted when one of the doxies (dachshund, not streetwalker) needs to go out. Speaking of doxies, Ayva, my miniature, thinks she needs to be with be all the time, so she’s either in my lap (which causes me to get a numb bummy) or curled up in an overstuffed chair.

10_28 chair

I’ve been trying something new lately, setting a daily writing goal, which I try to get in by early afternoon. Notice I said try, ‘cause it hasn’t happened yet. I’m a pantser, so more often than not, my characters do something unexpected, or the plot takes a turn I hadn’t anticipated, and I have to do additional research. Research is one of the things I enjoy most about writing historicals.

I’m pretty disciplined about not answering the phone while writing, but not quite as disciplined about refraining from checking emails. I’m getting better though…sort of.

I also have to find some time during the day to take a peek at my critique partner’s manuscripts, and I’m frequently beta reading or reviewing for another author too. Oh, and I have my own blog that I spend far more time writing for than I probably should. I haven’t been too successful at keeping my evenings free for “family time” but hubby falls asleep the minute he sits in front of the TV anyway, so he doesn’t miss me. A couple of times when he’s been feeling neglected, I’ve been the dutiful wife and cuddled beside him while we watch something wholly entertaining like Duck Dynasty.

Shhh, promise not to tell; I sneak upstairs after hubby falls asleep.

By-the-way, this whole routine is tossed out the window if I get a call to teach. Though I’ve cut way back on substitute teaching, so I can devote more time to writing, I still teach more often than I should. Between you and me, I like writing better than teaching, and that’s something I never thought I’d say.

So, that’s it in a nutshell. I didn’t bother you with all the distractions that happen while I’m writing. I wrote another article on that, which probably explains why I don’t meet my self-imposed deadlines.

Amidst murder and betrayal, destiny and hearts collide when scandal forces a nobleman and a gypsy to marry in this Regency Romance.

Half Romani, half English noblewoman, Evangeline Caruthers is the last woman in England Ian Hamilton, the Viscount Warrick, could ever love—an immoral wanton responsible for his brother’s and father’s deaths. She thinks he’s a foul-tempered blackguard, who after setting out to cause her downfall, finds himself forced to marry her—snared in the trap of his own making.

When Vangie learns the marriage ceremony itself may have been a ruse, she flees to her gypsy relatives, declaring herself divorced from Ian under Romani law. He pursues her to the gypsy encampment, and when the handsome gypsy king offers to take Ian’s place in Vangie’s bed, jealousy stirs hot and dangerous.

At last, under a balmy starlit sky, Ian and Vangie breech the chasm separating them. Peril lurks though. Ian’s the last in his line, and his stepmother intends to dispose of the newlyweds so her daughter can inherit his estate. Only by trusting each other can they overcome scandal and murderous betrayal.


Wedding Reception Scene.

“You didn't eat much, wife.”

They were alone on the dance floor. Ian deftly twirled Vangie around his aunt's smallish ballroom, mindful of the interested eyes watching them.

Stealing a glance at the smiling and nodding onlookers, he suppressed a frown. He felt like a curiosity on display at Bullock's Museum. He wished others would take to the floor, so he could dispense with the devoted bridegroom facade.

The twelve courses at dinner had been tortuous. His wife hadn’t taken more than a dozen bites nor said as many words. He'd tried to eat the succulent foods Aunt Edith had gone to such efforts to have prepared, but his anger made everything dry as chalk and every bit as tasteless.

“I'd not much appetite, my lord.”

He chuckled. “Don't you think you might address me by my given name, wife?”

“Why?” she asked pertly. “I've known you but four days, certainly not long enough to be so familiar with you.”

He lowered his head, breathing in her ear, very aware every eye in the room was trained on them. He'd give them something to gossip about. “Because I want you to, wife, and you did promise to obey.”

He nipped her ear.

She jumped and a tiny yelp of surprise escaped before she clamped her lips together. Her eyes were shooting sparks again, only this time they were directed at him.

“What's my name, wife?”

“Please, don't call me that. I too have a name, as you well know.”

Drawing her closer, her breasts pressing against the breadth of his chest and cresting the edge of her bodice, he murmured, “Indeed, but Evangeline sounds . . . angelic, and we both know you're no such thing.”

“Pardon?” She stiffened, trying to shove away from him. “I don't under—”

His head descended again. “Say it, or I'll trace your ear with my tongue.”

He grinned as her breath hissed from between clenched teeth. She stumbled, her fingers digging into his shoulder and hand. A very becoming flush swept across her face.

“Will you cease?” Her worried gaze careened around the room. “We're being watched.”

Voice husky, he said, “Say my name, sweeting.” Giving her a gentle squeeze, he started to dip his head, caressing her elegant neck with his hot breath.

“Ian, your name is Ian,” she gasped breathlessly, twisting her head away.

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Also by Collette:

Regency propriety and Scottish boldness clash in this Regency romantic suspense flavored with a liberal dose of humor and a dash of inspiration.

Here's a short blurb:

Not a day has gone by that Ewan McTavish, the Viscount Sethwick, hasn't dreamed of the beauty he danced with two years ago. He's determined to win her heart and make her his own. Heiress, Yvette Stapleton, is certain of one thing; marriage is risky and, therefore, to be avoided. At first, she doesn't recognize the dangerously handsome man who rescues her from assailants on London's docks, but Lord Sethwick's passionate kisses soon have her reconsidering her cynical views on matrimony. On a mission to stop a War Office traitor, Ewan draws Yvette into deadly international intrigue. To protect her, he exploits Scottish law, declaring her his lawful wife—without benefit of a ceremony. Yvette is furious upon discovering the irregular marriage is legally binding, though she never said, "I do." Will Ewan's manipulation cost him her newfound love?


  1. Awww Collette!

    Your little writing room is the cutest! I can almost even see it in one of your books! How adorable :)

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  2. ROFLMAO! Isn't it amazing that a comment from a reader will influence the author? Bet you wrote that phrase "doxies (dachshund, not streetwalker)" just for me! I love it. And I enjoyed reading about a day in the life of an author. Love your writing room too. But you totally blew my bubble because I expected to see a satin chaise in that corner draped with a hot pink feather boa and silk lounging PJ's with a box of bonbons on a table. I know you're going to say you put that pretty print chair there because the chaise wouldn't fit!

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

    1. I did, sweet lady! I had a fabulous antique sofa that I wanted to recover and put in my writing room but it just wouldn't fit. Sigh.

  3. Good morning and thanks so much for hosting. What an adorable site!

  4. I love your writing room. Thank you for sharing the pictures.


    1. Rita, I chucked after I saw the picture I sent of my writing room. There's no computer on my desk. It looks so much tidier without my pc with sticky notes all over it.

  5. I have to get my tweets and blog visits done early in the day. For some reason twitter stops working around 5 PM my time. Tweeted and shared on FB.

    1. Ella,
      I'm putting myself on a strict schedule next month. I'm only going to check social media first thing in the morning, around noon, and right before I sign off for the night. I'm not officially doing NaNo but I want to get a good start on book four.

  6. What I love is the feminity of that writing room. No wonder you write such wonderful romances -- a room like that is pure inspiration!

    1. Elf,
      The room was my youngest son from the time he was two. When I first showed it to him, he said, "I hate it, but it's so you." He meant it was waaaay to girlie.

  7. I love your writing room. Hard to believe that it used to belong to your son. I really love the excerpt for this story.

    1. I look at it now, Mom Jane, and I can't believe it was his room for 18 years either.

  8. Love that Shabby Chic decor and I love the look of this website. Highly recommend The Viscount's Vow--you won't be able to put it down.

  9. I love your writing room! And the excerpt is awesome.

  10. I love the pictures of your writing room! So pretty! :-)


    1. I have one bare spot above the window I still need to put something on...

  11. Sounds like an awesome schedule! And I'm sure you've got a great view while you write. Portland is lovely!

    falcondraco at Hotmail dot com

    1. Leslie, the view is lovely, but I get distracted sometimes by the birds. Well, that an my neighbor who insists on prancing around nude in front of his upstairs windows.

  12. Well, I'm off to redecorate my writing area LOL. Yours is just adorable. Loved the excerpt! Best of luck with the release. Barb Bettis

    1. Thanks, Barb. My teacher friend tease me about my "pink" room.

  13. Beautiful workspace Collette. Your new release sounds delightful. I still have Highlander's Hope on my TBR list. Never enough time in the day but it'll happen. You've had such wonderful reviews. Congratulations! ~~Emmly Jane

  14. Wow, Collette! I am pea green with envy over your writing studio! Gorgeous! And you know how much I love your books!!

  15. Such a pretty room, but I don't envy the early start.


  16. Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!
    Sounds like a great read!!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  17. That room is definitely not a young man's bedroom any more! It's a lovely place to write.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  18. Looking forward to reading this i read Highlander's Hope and loved it .Thank you for sharing with us today.

  19. I really enjoy the "day in the life" write ups. Thanks for the sharing pictures too!


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