Title: Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes
Author: Gina Lamm
Genre: Time Travel, Historical Romance
Pages: 352
Published: September 2013
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Source: NetGalleySynopsis:
Leah Ramsey has always loved historical romance novels and dressing in period costumes. So when she has a chance to time travel and experience the history for herself, she jumps at it—figuring it can't be too hard to catch the eye of a duke. After all, it happens all the time in her novels.
Avery Russell, valet and prize pugilist, reluctantly helps Leah gain a position in the Duke of Granville's household . . . as a maid.
Domestic servitude wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but she's determined to win her happily ever after. Even if the hero isn't exactly who she's expecting.
Leah has seen her friend Jamie (from The Geek and the Scandalous Earl) fall in love with the most amazing man from the past. Now, she wants to find that same type of relationship for herself. She wants the love she reads about in romance novels, to be swept off her feet and is ready to jump into the past to find it.
As Leah arrives in the past she stumbles into the home of the Duke of Granville. She runs into a handsome man in the Duke’s quarters – who turns to be Avery, the Duke’s valet. She manages to convince Avery to help her with a job in the household – a maid. Unfortunately for Leah, not at all like the romance novels she reads.
Avery isn’t quite what he seems. He is not only a valet, but a prize fighter and manages to get himself into some trouble. Leah has gotten under his skin, which has him off kilter and confused. The pair are fighting their feelings and each one of them has their issues (and some doozies too!)
I was thrilled when I saw that Gina had a new book coming out – as I adored The Geek and the Scandalous Earl. I wasn’t disappointed either! Leah is funny, a romance lover and couldn’t wait to jump into the past to experience all the wonders she’s read about (something that any romance reader would love to do!). Avery isn’t the typical hero and I adored him all the more for it.
Would I recommend this book? Yes, this was such a fun read and I can’t wait for Gina’s next book. This was a great combo of contemporary and historical. The modern geek girl tossed into the unknown hoping for the best and falling in love – and not with the man she expected either.
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