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The 3-Day Reset by Pooja Mottl {Book Tour & Giveaway}

“Whole and minimally processed foods are the best foods for our health. But why don’t we crave them?

There’s a good reason, and with The 3-Day Reset you’ll get ten food epiphanies that will reset the way you know, choose, and enjoy foods, putting you on the path to healthy eating and helping you stay there for good.”

Eating healthy can be a struggle. It’s hard to choose broccoli and brown rice instead of hot, cheesy pizza. And diets often ask you to cut out different foods all at once, leaving you feeling deprived.

In The 3-Day Reset, Pooja Mottl outlines 10 simple ways you can change your cravings and start eating whole, healthy, delicious foods—three days at a time. Each reset takes only 72 hours to complete, which means you’ll be able to stay focused on healthy eating from start to finish.

Resets include: sugar, wheat, salt, chocolate, yogurt, chicken, beverages, breakfast, salad, and takeout.

Accessible, fun, engaging, and packed with over 30 delicious recipes, pantry makeover lists, shopping guides, tidbits on food history, and other smart tools, The 3-Day Reset will set you on the course to healthy eating… and help you stay there for good.

“In The 3-Day Reset, Pooja delivers an empowering blueprint for choosing these foods while demonstrating that healthy and delicious go hand in hand.”
—John Mackey, co-founder and co-CEO of Whole Foods Market

“I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn how to get healthier.”
—Alejandro Junger, New York Times bestselling author of Clean

“This book is so in sync with the times! We all need ‘clean fuel,’ and with this book, Pooja supplies the easy answers.”
—Michael Olajide Jr., author of Sleekify and celebrity fitness trainer

The 3-Day Reset will help you make a healthier connection to what you eat, and change your black-and-white food world into vibrant technicolor.”
—Rebecca Katz, author of The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying, Big-Flavor Recipes Featuring the Top 16 Age-Busting Power Foods

The 3-Day Reset gets to the heart of what it means to eat well.”
—Cheryl Forberg,New York Times bestselling author, James Beard Award–winning chef, and the nutritionist for The Biggest Loser


Pooja Mottl is a professionally trained Natural Foods Chef, Healthy Eating Coach, and Healthy Living Expert whose work has captivated audiences from Good Morning America to the Huffington Post. She is a graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute, a world-renowned institution for pairing culinary training with health promoting food.

Pooja also holds a certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University and is an NSCA-CPT certified personal trainer. Pooja advises private clients on healthy eating and has taught cooking classes at Whole Foods Market. She regularly blogs for the Huffington Post and Pooja has appeared on Good Morning America, WGN TV, Martha Stewart Radio,, the Green Festival, HuffPost Live, and a variety of additional media outlets.

Pooja lives and works in Greenwich, Connecticut. Mottl is a wife and proud mom to a baby girl named Valentina and a five-year-old, over-confident Brussels Griffon.

Connect with Pooja at her website,, and on Facebook, Twitter, and  Instagram.


Sugar ResetInfographic_AddedSugars

Sweet stuff rocks. To many of us, sugary foods are as good as it gets—more tempting than sour, more satisfying than spicy, more comforting than salty. This makes sense since we’re programmed to like sweet things from the moment we’re born—one of the reasons why we enjoy our mother’s sweet breast milk as babies.

The problem is, the majority of sweetness we’re now eating doesn’t suit our biology.

Instead of satisfying our sweet tooth with things like ripe summer berries, dried figs, grapes, and raw honey (all WAMP foods), we’re drowning ourselves with processed table sugar and corn syrup.

And it’s everywhere. Processed sugar has managed to tiptoe its way into almost all kinds of foods without our noticing. It is a main ingredient in peanut butters, salad dressings, marinades, barbecue sauces, sports drinks, frozen pizza, and crackers. Even savory foods, like breads, pasta sauce, and chicken broth, are laden with processed sugars.

Sadly, it’s fair to say that sugar is the lifeblood of the food industry.

Sugar goes down like water, and we’re consuming it with reckless abandon. According to the USDA, the average American eats about twenty-two teaspoons of sugar, or about 13 percent of our total calories, each and every day. Okay, let’s think about this for a second: That’s like opening up your kitchen silverware drawer, grabbing a teaspoon, jamming it into your sugar bowl, and sticking it straight inside your mouth twenty-two times a day.

It doesn’t help that sugar is notoriously difficult to detect in foods. Not only is there no distinct line item for “added sugars” on the nutrition-facts panel of your food’s label, but sugar also masquerades under a long and complicated list of aliases that would make even Jason Bourne weep with jealousy. “Dextrose,” “fructose,” “cane juice,” and “maltose” all mean that sugar has been added to your food. Same with “invert sugar,” “corn-syrup solids,” and “lactose.”

Apart from the obvious health consequences that arise from consuming too much processed sugar—like diabetes, weight gain, obesity, and hypertension—eating sugar may very well be the single biggest impediment to falling in love with healthy food. As we learned in The Power of WAMP, processed sugar exploits our innate biological weaknesses, lulling us into addiction and desensitizing our taste buds to the point that we can no longer find deliciousness in the kind of food that wants to love us back. When we become accustomed to processed sugar, suddenly, sweet WAMP foods become nothing short of sacrifices. A bowl of oats with cinnamon and banana pales in comparison to a vanilla-glazed scone from Starbucks or a bowl of Froot Loops. Even the best loose-leaf tea no longer tastes good without an extra sugar packet or two.

But we can—right now—slam on the brakes and put this train in reverse. All we have to do is reset our relationship with sugar. We need to put an end to our sugar ignorance and off-kilter sweet palate and relearn sugar from the ground up. We also need the opportunity to experience what it’s like not to have processed sugar in our lives, and give our taste buds the chance to be awakened and excited by the superior flavor that comes from WAMP sweetness.

Processed Foods = Bad

Whole and Minimally Processed Foods (WAMP) = Good

WAMP is key to 3DR. It offers a bulletproof definition of healthy food—a definition that supersedes the terms “organic,” “natural,” and “local.”

WAMP Tip-Offs

WAMP foods are usually perishable: They won’t last too long on that top shelf in your pantry.

WAMP foods usually don’t come with ingredient labels. If they do, they’ll likely have fewer than five ingredients.

WAMP foods rarely have ad budgets. You’ll never see a commercial or advertisement for them.

WAMP foods don’t have “natural flavor” in their ingredient lists.

If, after some basic investigating, you can’t figure out where the food you’re eating came from, it’s probably not WAMP!

Book Trailer:


One lucky commenter will win a copy of Pooja Mottel’s The 3-Day Reset

To enter – leave a comment telling us what sugar product you don’t think you could give up... 

Must be 18 or older.  Open to residents of Canada & the US.

Giveaaway ends Friday May 16 (midnight EST)



  1. brownies

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. I have no problem giving up sugar. I don't eat a lot of it. Sure an occasional natural soda or Cocacola from Mexico; but I eat no beet sugar, no corn syrup, very little processed stuff. I prefer raw sugar or honey. However I do not eat a lot of sweets. I guess the only real "sugar" I eat a lot of is the kind that is a starch that turns to sugar when your body processes it. I have cut down on these lentils, chick peas, potatoes and etc... but that would be harded for me to completely give up.

  3. I have been working on giving up soda. I am on my way but it's really hard. And I do enjoy a good Frappuccino. They would be really hard to give up totally!

  4. First, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to "reset" myself. Although I do love to juice, I have not made it beyond Day 3, so your book sounds perfect! My sugar holdout would have to be chocolate; although I am aware that organic, fair-trade, dark chocolate is wonderful and even healthy, I would love to be able to resist it more and crave it far less. I look forward to enjoying your book. Thank you!

  5. I have such a hard time giving up sugar! Ice cream is the sugar I think I could not live without especially during the summer time. I would love to know if there is a whole food healthier alternative. Chocolate is also a craving I give into. It is Dr. recommended for me to stop eating it because I suffer from GERD and though I have cut back it is so hard to stop all together and it's very hard to ignore the cravings!


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