Title: Uncovering Cobbogoth
Author: Hannah L Clark
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 288
Published: May 2014
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Source: via Author for Book TourSynopsis:
Norah Lukens needs to uncover the truth about the fabled lost city of Cobbogoth. After her archaeologist uncle’s murder, Norah is asked to translate his old research journal for evidence and discovers that his murder was a cover-up for something far more sinister.
When she turns to neighbour and only friend James Riley for help, she realizes that not only is their bitter-sweet past haunting her every step, but James is keeping dangerous secrets. Can Norah discover what they are before its too late to share her own.
Norah has returned from a year away at school, the boy she thought had mutual feelings for is waiting for her at the bus stop to take her to her Uncles house. As they pull up to her house, something isn’t right… The police are waiting for her to tell her that her only family member – her Uncle was gone.
Her life is about to be turned completely upside down – everything she’s ever known is about to be thrown right out the window. Someone is looking for her Uncle’s journals to find out what he found on his last research trip/dig. Because they are in code – Norah is the only person who can read them.
Cobbogoth and the mythology surrounding the fabled civilization and their fate play a huge part in this story. Lukens was obsessed with it, and poured the stories and his finds into his journals. Norah had heard a great deal about the Cobbogoth’s over the years, but wasn’t prepared for it all to be true.
This was a really interesting read. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first opened the e-book. Norah is a smart girl, with a lot of spunk. I loved how the mythology was woven into the story. Along with Norah and James growing feelings, the mystery of her Uncle’s death and how it all played out in the end. It was a great read that pulled me in right from the start. It jumped right into the action and kept me on the edge of my seat.
I’m really curious how is is going to play out as a series and how it will all tie together. Hannah has a great writing style that I look forward to trying again.
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