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The Bride Wore Chocolate by Shirley Jump {Blog Tour}


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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Shirley Jump spends her days writing romance and women’s fiction to feed her shoe addiction and avoid cleaning the toilets. She cleverly finds writing time by feeding her kids junk food, allowing them to dress in the clothes they find on the floor and encouraging the dogs to double as vacuum cleaners.

Look for her new and improved re-released Sweet and Savory Romance series, including the USA Today bestselling book, THE BRIDE WORE CHOCOLATE, on Amazon, and her Sweetheart Sisters series for Berkley, starting with THE SWEETHEART BARGAIN and continuing in April 2014 with THE SWEETHEART RULES. Visit her website at or read recipes and life adventures at

Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | Eating My Words Website | Shirley Jump

Welcome Shirley to Stitch Read Cook!

1 - What inspired you to write this story?

I love food, family and romance—and often food is at the top of that list ;-) I truly love to cook (my go-to cookbook right now is Michael Symon’s new book) and had a lot of fun writing a book series that features recipes (that I had to test, of course ;-). I also thought about what I turn to when I’m stressed, and chocolate is a go-to! I imagined my characters would do the same thing.

2 - Tell us 3 things about your main characters that aren't in the book.

Candace is a totally organized, checklist type of girl, but she had lots of fun when she was a little girl at her grandma’s house—the one place where she didn’t have to be organized or planning anything. That’s where she’d get to play in the mud or stay out past curfew. A second thing about Candace is her addition to the Container Store. That’s the kind of place where she can get lost for hours and really let her inner geek come alive.

Michael is a total literature freak. He loves the classics of lit, and took a few night classes just to indulge his love for the written word. In his spare time, he’s reading T.S. Eliot and Tennyson. Smart and sexy—a perfect combo!

3 - If Hollywood optioned your book - who would you like to see play the main characters?

On a purely selfish note, George Clooney, just so I can meet him ;-) But he wouldn’t work for Michael (he’s sadly a bit too old) so I’d go with Amy Adams and Ryan Gosling. :-)

4 - If you could jump into any novel - which one would it be and why?

Hmm…I love books so much, that’s a hard choice to make! Definitely not a Stephen King novel ;-) because there’d be things trying to kill me! One of my favorite books when I was a little girl was Christy, and I remember imagining myself living in her world many a time. I think I reread that book five times.

5 - If you were stranded on an island, what 5 books would you take with you?

Only 5? They’d better be long ones! Um…Christy, because I’ve loved it for years, Gone with the Wind, because I love a good love story, Under the Dome because it’s so darn long it should help me while away a few hours, anything by Sir Walter Scott (also a lifelong favorite) and at least one Nora Roberts book!

Quick & Easy:

Day or Night? Day—I’m much more an early bird than night owl.

Love at First Sight or Second Chances? Love at first sight—that’s how I met my husband!

Weres or Vamps? Um, neither. I don’t really like things that can kill me ;-)

Paperbacks or Ebooks? Paperbacks, hands down. I love, love, love real books.

Past, Present or Future? Present—every single day is a gift and I try not to worry about what has been and what might come.

Reading or Writing? Reading, for sure. I do love to write, but so look forward to my days off when I can read for hours!

Coffee or Tea? Coffee, if it’s morning. Nothing works in my brain until I have that first cup of the day!

Plotter or Panster? Panster. I have no idea how a book is going to end until I get there. I remember writing the ending for THE ANGEL TASTED TEMPATION about twenty minutes before it was due!

Reality or Fiction? Hmm…both, I think. I read a lot of real-life books (mostly true crime) but love getting lost in fiction, too.

Laptop or Desktop? Laptop. I like being able to work anywhere I choose, rather than being chained to a desk.

Angel or Demon? Demons might be hot, but I do love angels and angel stories!

Authors Choice: Ask the readers something! What’s your go-to chocolate recipe for a stressful day? For me, it’s cookies. I make dozens during the holidays and freeze them for emergencies during the rest of the year ;-)

Enter the sinfully delicious universe of New York Times bestselling author Shirley Jump's Sweet and Savory Romances with the USA Today and Amazon Top 20 bestseller - The Bride Wore Chocolate!

Life couldn't be more perfect for Candace Woodrow. Her gourmet gift basket company is thriving, and she's set to marry steady, dependable Barry. There's just one wrench in the fairytale. Two weeks before her wedding she wakes up in the wrong man's bed. Candace thinks she'll be able to run out the door and forget all about Michael Vogler, but the Boston millionaire has other plans for the jittery bride.

As the wedding approaches, Candace's life is further complicated by a thrill-seeking grandma and a meddlesome mother whose marriage track record rivals Elizabeth Taylor's. She attempts to drown her sorrows in chocolate, but with a sexy bachelor appearing on her doorstep at every turn - she finds herself wondering if there's enough of the sweet stuff in the world to stop her heart from racing every time he comes near.

*Special bonus material: Recipes written by the characters inside!*

Goodreads - Amazon


We have a fantastic giveaway accompanying this tour! Up for grabs:

1)   Two (2) Le Creuset Heart-Shaped Ramekins

2)   One (1) Le Creuset Square Covered Casserole

3) 100$ Amazon/iTunes/B&NGift Card (your choice)



Please enter via the Rafflecopter form. Giveaway is open to US/Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Monday, June 9th - Cassandra M's Place
Tuesday, June 10th -
Curling Up with a Good Book
Wednesday, June 11th -
Kindle and Me
Thursday, June 12th -
Romancing Rakes for the Love of Romance
Friday June 13th - Supernatural Snark

Monday, June 16th -
On a Book Bender
Tuesday, June 17th -
Bewitched Bookworms
Wednesday, June 18th -
Laina Turner
Thursday, June 19th -
Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews
Friday June 20th -
Daily Mayo

Monday, June 23rd -
Smexy Books
Tuesday, June 24th -
Stitch Read Cook
Wednesday, June 25th -
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Thursday, June 26th -
The Book Swarm
Friday June 27th -
What's Beyond Forks?


  1. Enjoyed reading your interview today. I totally agree I loved to meet George Clooney too, but Ryan Gosling is a good choice for your hero. And paired with Amy combo!

  2. Enjoyed this captivating interview. Love the giveaway. Thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. Love reading Shirley's books! Great writer! Great contest! <3


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