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A Day in the Life of.....
Bestselling author Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she's lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters in the books she writes.
Ophelia is the author of DEFINITELY, MAYBE IN LOVE, ABBY ROAD, and the Perfect Kisses series including: FALLING FOR HER SOLDIER, MAKING WAVES, and SPEAKING OF LOVE. Visit her at http://ophelialondon.com. But don't call when The Vampire Diaries is on.
A Day in the Life of…Ophelia London
5:11 am (although my clock is purposely 3 minutes fast, I don’t know why. Freud, anyone?) - I weep a little—over the fact that I’m not yet a stay-at-home-author and that I don’t have a sugar daddy—then I crawl out of bed, picking up my workout clothes on the way. I hate mornings, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Jillian Michaels kicks my butt for 30 minutes then I hit the shower.
7:00 am – Arrive at day job. I’m a marketing assistant for a natural gas company (sexy, right?), and I start my work day at the fridge to fill up my first 32 oz water bottle (with a splash of either lemon or grapefruit essential oil) and an ice cold Diet Coke—to undo all the good of the oils.
7:10 am-8:00 am – check/return work emails, personal email, and about a dozen social media portals that I haven’t checked since last night. Gasp! Chat with coworkers and grab a pack of peanut butter crackers to go with my Diet Coke. Yes, the breakfast of champions.
8:00 am-Noon – It’s multi-tasking heaven. There’s always fun stuff going on in my office. We’re loud and crazy—which is why I need the Diet Coke first thing! I’m sometime able to sneak in a bit more social media (shhh, don’t tell boss), especially when I’m on hold or waiting for a return email, or when I’m tired of talking natural gas.
Noon-1:00 pm – Lunch. I’ll either go out with my office group (we’re known as “The Sherrys”…long story) or I’ll run errands or chow down at my desk if I have writerly things to do.
1:00 pm-3:00 pm – more day job crap. Ugh, I’m boring myself. I do keep a notebook close by to scribble down writerly ideas. The creative brain never stops.
3:00 pm-3:20 pm - I slide off the heels, slide on the Nikes and meet a friend downstairs to walk around our huge office complex, catching up on gossip we didn’t share at lunch. This is my favorite part of the work day.
3:20 pm-4:00 pm: Day job. Blah blah. Is it home time yet?
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm – My commute home is usually accompanied by an audiobook, my iPod or “entertainment news” on the local sports talk station. Hearing dudes talk about the Kardashians is way hilarious.
4:45 pm-8:00 pm – This time of day is up for grabs, depending on what’s going on. These days, it’s all about editing and/or working on promo. Which I love! J I squeeze in dinner (last night’s consisted of two apricots and a tablespoon of Nutella. Yes, I live like a rock star) and some Big Bang Theory reruns and fielding calls from my family—there is eight of us and we’re pretty close-knit. The days there isn’t drama are few and far between, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 8:00 pm-9:00 pm – I take Zzzquil. That’s right. While the good drug works its magic, I do some pleasure reading or boot up the Netflix. Since I’m finally caught up on Grey’s Anatomy, I’m thinking of moving onto Sherlock.
9:00 pm – If I’m unconscious by now, this is a huge success. I usually spend way too much time doing the toss and turn dance, thinking up ways to further torture my hero in a way that will make him even hotter to my lucky heroine. I do love my night job!
Coming Soon…..
Falling in love is like swimming with sharks…
Sharona Blaire is only in Australia for a business audit, but she’s determined to make the most of her one free night. So when she spills her drink on a handsome stranger and they end up flirting, she does something completely out of character—she kisses him. But the prospect of taking it further totally freaks her out…almost as much as discovering the next morning that the man she’s auditing is the sexy, tanned stranger she left with zero explanation.
An audit during his crew’s most important expedition yet is a complication marine biologist Jeff Cruz doesn’t need—especially when the auditor is the gorgeous, fascinating woman from the night before. Out at sea with nowhere to run, he’s forced to admit Sharona draws him in like a shark to blood. But Jeff’s one passion is his job, and nothing—not even love—will get its hooks in him…
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