Title: Fairy Nuff
Author: Jane Killick
Genre: Chick Lit, Paranormal
Pages: 240
Published: June 2014
Publisher: Windtree Press
Source: Goddess Fish Promotions for Tour
Synopsis:Stuck in a fairy costume with magical powers, Julie “Nuff” Nuffield wishes for anything she wants. But when magic turns mischievous: a dishy doctor literally sweeps her off her feet — with a broom! — and a million pound coins trap her in her house, she must find a way out of the chaos. All while she contemplates sleeping with her ex again. Sound unfair for a single woman battling through life? Or is it Fairy Nuff?
A fun story of one woman’s quest for love and search for the right wish to bring her happiness.
A light-hearted romantic comedy from the author of If Wishes Were Husbands.
Julie also known as Nuffy or Nuff to her close friends – picks up a costume at a local thrift shop for her friend Eileen’s party to celebrate her first acting job. A magical fairy costume, complete with wings, tiara and sparkles refuses to be taken off – even scissors can’t seem to help.
As Julie/Nuffy attempts to remove the outfit she makes a few unintentional wishes that come true – leaving her wondering what was going on and how it could be happening. As she continues to wish, she starts to research where the costume came from and who the previous owner was.
This story was a nice quick read – it mixed together a bit of paranormal, a bit of romance and some mystery along the way. Julie is a fun character, with quick wit and some pretty good sleuthing skills. This is one of those books that I love to pick up between heavier reads, because it makes me smile and laugh..
Would I read more by this author? Most definitely. Jane has a fun way with words and characters that had me hooked through the whole story. She crammed a lot of great moments into 240 pages! Would I recommend this? It’s a cute light hearted read that I think any reader would enjoy.
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